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Choruses from Chorus Book
Scripture Reading: Psalm 132 (Bob)
Call to Worship: ‘Christ our Peace and Righteousness’
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4 (Robert)
Hymn # 222- ‘There Is a Fountain’
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 (David)
Message: ‘Laborers Together with God’
Hymn # 452- ‘My Savior’s Love’
Call to Worship
(Tune- ‘Depth of Mercy’)
Brethren, let us join to bless,
Christ our Peace and Righteousness.
Let our praise to Him be giv’n,
High at God’s right hand in Heaven.
Son of God, to Thee we bow,
Thou art LORD and only Thou.
Thou the Woman’s Promised Seed,
Thou, Who did for sinners bleed.
Thee the angels ceaseless sing,
Thee we praise, our Priest and King.
Worthy is Thy name of praise,
Full of glory, full of grace.
Thou hast the glad tidings brought,
Of salvation fully wrought.
Wrought, O LORD, alone by Thee,
Wrought to set Thy people free.
Thee, our LORD, would we adore,
Serve and follow more and more.
Praise and bless Thy matchless love,
Till we join Thy saints above.