Hebrews 13:16 But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. 17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. 18 Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly. 19 But I beseech you the rather to do this, that I may be restored to you the sooner.
We are living in a time of great spiritual darkness. I spoke with a church going person this week and as we were talking he raised the issue of the U.S. government. He believes that the Democrats are a better party than the Republicans. I pointed that the Democrat party in the U.S. is antisemite. He was shocked to hear that. I stated that the current imposter who wants to be president has stated that she would strongly consider an embargo against Israel. She has already proven her willingness to support terrorism. True churches need to help their people to be informed so as to help people to walk in the truth. Christians should not be supporting antisemitism. They should not be promoting the murder of unborn children, nor the sodomite agenda. These are things that will destroy any nation. As we help those who profess to be Christians to stand on the right side, we need to help them to see why they must do so. The reason is because true Christians have been bought with a price. Jesus Christ came to this earth as a Jew. He is the King of the Jews. He is the Messiah for all people. He is the Saviour for all people. To be an antisemite is to be against Jesus Christ. A true Christian cannot be against Jesus Christ. God promised Abraham that He would bless those that would bless him and He would curse those that would curse him. At present, both Canada and the U.S. have taken a position in favour of cursing Abraham’s seed — Israel. That does not bode well for our future. In our text, we are reminded that we need to do good. Christians need to be an asset to their society. It used to be that when there was a major tragedy in a community, pastors were called upon to help bring comfort to the people affected by the tragedy. Of course many of those pastors were wolves in sheep’s clothing. Thus now, pastors are not called upon but ‘grief counsellors’ are called upon. These are brainwashed people who do not know the true God and have nothing to offer the lost. If we are going to do good, we need to help people to know what we stand for and why. The word “communicate” has to do with “fellowship” and “partnership”. God is not telling His children to be a part of the ecumenical movement. That would be a sin. Fellowship is for those who know the true God. We are again reminded of the importance of the true local church. Tim Hortons does not offer the same opportunity for fellowship that a true local church does. There is too much noise in a Tim Hortons or some other venue like that. Notice that these things are considered “sacrifices”. We might have other things in mind. We might have other plans. The true local church should be important to every true saint. As we fellowship there, we are doing good. Of course fellowship can also take place in a Christian home among fellow believers. The home and the church are important for the true child of God. Fellowshipping together pleases God. In verse 17 we are again reminded of those who rule over us. Here we are told to obey them. Obedience requires submission. It is much wiser to submit to a Godly pastor than to wicked government officials. Too many pastors did not take the time to research the lies of the government over the past several years. They blindly caved to the excesses of the government. The government is given the authority to keep the peace in a nation. The true local church is here to guide the government and the citizens of a country to know how to keep the peace. The church does not dictate, but it teaches and preaches the truth. It makes it known that God’s Word is absolute. Our submission to government officials is always under God’s law. If they want to break God’s law, God’s law comes first. True pastors care about the souls of people. We want others to know the truth and to be grounded in the truth. We do not want to see people tossed about with every wind of doctrine. We want to see people who know what they believe and why. We want to be sure that people believe the truth, not the lies promoted in the media and much religion today. Pastors will give an account to God for what they teach. This is serious. As a pastor this is something I am often reminded of. I do not want to be guilty before God of leading people astray. I want to help people to know the truth. When I stand before the Lord, I want to be able to answer for those He has led across my path, with joy. I do not want to grieve for those who rejected the truth and deceived God. Ananias and Sapphira did not do well in lying to God. God does not immediately strike every person dead who lies to Him. However, lying about salvation and being deceptive to gain membership in a true church is not a wise move. Church membership does not save anyone. Church membership is important for those who are saved, but salvation is the priority. Without God’s salvation, church membership is nothing. Getting baptized without being saved is not even baptism. It is just getting wet. It will not save anyone. Biblical salvation is required prior to baptism. In verse 18 we see again the necessity of prayer. We see again why the local true church is important. You need a place to make your needs known. Yes, you can go directly to God in Jesus’ name if you are saved. You also need the prayers of God’s people. The writer was directed to remind the saints that he trusted that they, the church rulers, had a good conscience. The writer desired to live honestly in all things. Christians need to have a good testimony in all things. We should not be guilty of sinning. Lost people will want to slander us, but we need to be sure the slander is unjust. In verse 19 the writer wanted to be released and be restored to the saints. It seems the writer was in prison and desiring to be released. He understood the power of prayer. We know that the saints had prayed for Peter and he was released from prison. We also know that the saints were not really expecting God to answer their prayers that quickly. We also know that the apostle Paul spent time in prison on several occasions. He too wanted to be released. He was freed on several occasions, but eventually was killed. Whoever the writer was, his desire was to be able to minister to the needs of the people. In prison, there is very limited opportunity to meet with people. At times Paul was under house arrest and there he was given liberty to accept visitors. However, a saint that is in prison would rather be free to meet with people and to help others know the truth. We are constantly reminded of the blessings of knowing the true God. Those who are saved are blessed. We have been given something the world wants but cannot find. We can know the peace of God and we can be a blessing to others. Pastor Bartel