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Choruses from Chorus Book
Scripture Reading: Psalm 129 (Robert)
Call to Worship: ‘It Is Finished’
Scripture Reading: Luke 16 (Bob)
Hymn # 475- Redeemed
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 (David)
Message: ‘The Testimony of God’
Hymn # 46- ‘O For a Thousand Tongues’
Call to Worship
(Tune # 99- ‘Angels, from the Realms of Glory’)
It is finished!’ Sinners hear it,
‘Tis the dying Victor’s cry.
‘It is finished!’ Angels bear it,
Bear the joyful Truth on high.
‘It is finished!’ ‘It is finished!’,
Tell it through the earth and sky.
Justice from her awful station,
Bars the sinner’s peace no more.
Justice views with approbation,
What the Savior did and bore.
Grace and Mercy, Grace and Mercy,
Now display His boundless store.
Hear the LORD Himself declaring,
All performed He came to do.
Sinners, in yourselves despairing,
This is Joyful News to you.
Jesus speaks it, Jesus speaks it,
His are faithful words and true.
‘It is finished!’ All is over,
Yes, the cup of wrath is drained.
Such the Truth these words discover,
Thus the victory was obtained.
‘Tis a vict’ry, ‘Tis a vict’ry,
None but Jesus could have gained.