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Choruses from Chorus Book
Scripture Reading: Psalm 127 (Robert)
Call to Worship: ‘Tis Finished, the Messiah Died’
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 5 (Bob)
Hymn # 226- ‘My Savior’
Scripture Reading: Leviticus 1 (David)
Message: ‘The Sweet Aroma of Christ’s Sacrifice’
Hymn # 145- ‘Hail, Thou Once-Despised Jesus!’
The LORD’s Table
Hymn # 118- ‘When I Survey the Wondrous Cross’
Call to Worship
(Tune – ‘Doxology’)
Tis finished! The Messiah died!
Cut off for sins but not His own.
Accomplished is the Sacrifice,
The great redeeming work is done.
Finished our vile transgression is,
And purged the guilt of all our sin.
And everlasting righteousness,
Is brought for all His people, in.
‘Tis finished, all my guilt and pain.
I want no sacrifice beside.
For me, for me the Lamb was slain,
And I’m forever justified.
Sin, death and hell are now subdued,
All grace is now to sinners given.
And lo! I plead His precious blood,
For pardon, holiness and Heaven.