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Choruses from Chorus Book
Scripture Reading: Psalm 123 (Robert)
Call to Worship: ‘We Gather this Day to Honor the King’
Scripture Reading: Hebrews 10 (Bob)
Hymn # 258- ‘He Hideth My Soul’
Scripture Reading: Exodus 40 (David)
Message: ‘God’s Blueprint for Worship’
Hymn # 49- ‘Our Great Savior’
The LORD’s Table
Hymn # 118- ‘When I Survey the Wondrous Cross’
Call to Worship
(Tune # 1- ‘O Worship the King’)
We gather this day to honor the King,
Who sits on His throne, His triumphs we sing.
The Savior Who died to pay for our sin,
Came forth from the tomb and He liveth again.
Christ Jesus our LORD the battle has won,
He died and arose, the work is all done!
He took on Himself all our debt to repay,
The sins of His people are all washed away.
To Jesus our LORD all honors we bring,
And say unto death, "O where is thy sting?"
Enthroned in His glory, almighty to save,
King Jesus has triumphed o’er sin and the grave.
He rose from the tomb and reigns high above,
All praise to His name, all power and love.
Made righteous in Jesus we someday shall rise,
To dwell with our Savior above earth and skies.