Two things are ours in Christ Jesus. One, we are not condemned. God doesn't punish the same sins twice, and Christ already paid for all who trust in him. Secondly, God gives us the Spirit. He doesn't leave us slaves to sin. He gives the mighty power of his help, and guarantees deliverance. He subdues the ever sinful flesh. If we have these two, then we walk in the Spirit. By faith in the Son and the Helper, we please him. Everything else displeases God, and it's the flesh. If we want life and peace, then we must walk by faith.
First, no condemnation is only for those in Christ. Romans 8:1, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Everyone else is under the wrath of God. If you do not have Christ, then you have no covering for sin. If you have Christ, then you are safe. The power of the Spirit is also yours.
Secondly, the law of the Spirit of life is in Christ Jesus. — Romans 8:2, “For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.” Because of him, we have no condemnation, and we also have help. This is how God delivered me from sin, when I was greatly tempted, and it's how he keeps on delivering.
As a young Christian, saved for a year and a half, I had many triumphs. God was with me in grace. This honeymoon season was relatively easy, as I went from strength to strength. Suddenly, however, temptation came upon me. I realized that I'd willingly go to hell, if I could only have my sin. The power of sin was strong, and I felt myself depraved! After all these months of sweet fellowship, and all that I knew in the gospel, I'd go back, if God didn't help me.
Then, the answer came! I'm not condemned for my sin - Christ has paid the penalty - so I am justified by faith. Being righteous before God, the Spirit is mine, even though I'm a sinner - more depraved than previously imagined. I have God's help, and he'll overcome my sin!
This is how it is from START TO FINISH. We are not relying on ourselves, but Christ, and God's help through him!
“For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.” — Romans 8:3-4
God's done a twofold thing. He's condemned sin, and given us obedience. He punished Christ, so the Spirit can subdue our flesh and enable us to love. He gives a complete salvation.
These two things must be preached always. Never take only one. No condemnation is our standing, the help of the Spirit is our power. We need both to walk with God, like twins, or a marriage that can't be broken.
Do not fear that sin will master you. It cannot! Keep believing the gospel.
Thirdly, minding the Spirit is having your eyes focused on Jesus Christ; it is walking by faith, trusting the Spirit to subdue your sin. — Romans 8:5, “For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.” Everything but the Spirit is carnal, fleshly, and of the devil. It can look like the mom of the year, or a porn star. It can be the most moral man, or a mass murderer who turns the gun on himself. Either way, it doesn't please God. Without faith, it's impossible to please him!
Stay Christ focused. Receive forgiveness, and enjoy God's acceptance. Expect and ask for his help. Salvation is entirely by grace, merited by the Lord Jesus, and we experience the benefits by believing. There's no other path, and no graduation from this simplicity. It's only grown in. Grow in patience and fruitfulness by faith alone. Grow in believing that God uses you for Christ's sake.
Finally, there is life and peace in the gospel. — Romans 8:6, “For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.” There is power over sin, communion with Christ, and comfort by the Spirit. Keep your mind upon no condemnation and the Spirit's help, which is free grace. God will keep you in peace, as you trust him for all provisions. Do you need to grow? Trust in him. Have you failed? Trust him. Do you need power? Trust, trust, trust. Is there an area of weakness? Yes, trust him again!
Do not fear that the gospel is empty, and real joy is in sin. What satisfies the soul is in Christ Jesus. It's not in this thirst giving world! It's in the Thirst Quencher, our Lord Jesus Christ. It is in his promised help and comfort. This is the Spirit filled life!