Several articles I’ve recently read through inform readers of what is happening throughout society that will usher in absolute totalitarianism. R E Nichols on her substack[1], refers to Whitney Webb’s substack[2] (although does not link to any article specific directly dealing with what she discusses in her own article). A third article that won’t be discussed in this article is UPDATE: The Blood Supply Is Contaminated, from 2nd Smartest Guy in the World substack.[3] Readers should keep in mind that none of these articles deal with hyperbole.
Nichols highlights what she believes has been happening through the dogmatic propaganda foisted onto society; a propaganda many to most seem oblivious to. The other article is from Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD. In this second article, Mihalcea reaches into the past highlighting the books, Future Shock and the follow-up book, After Shock. She goes into some detail regarding what futurists see our future being. Shocking indeed and society is clearly being carried along to that goal regardless of what many people refuse to accept. Many of course, completely fail to see anything shocking about the future (or even the present).
Ultimately, Mihalcea notes in her title, The Technocratic Prediction That Common Man Will No Longer Understand Reality Due To The Exponential Pace Of Technological Advances. This technocratic focus on bringing the future into the present relies heavily on concepts and beliefs that are anti-moral, anti-people and anti-God. It is the belief that humanity can become physical gods by merging with technocracy to the point that as Yuval Noah Harari states, “When cars replaced the horse-drawn carriage, we didn’t upgrade horses- we retired them. Perhaps it is time to do the same with Homo sapiens.” In their quest to become gods, they fail to understand the limits God Himself has placed on the human race. They are part of a death cult, plain and simple; Satan’s goal exactly.
Technocracy is borne of the arrogance of super-wealthy Technocrats. They have nothing left to achieve so why not figure out a way to create Human 2.0 and in the process, eliminate humanity as God created us, imposing their new religion on the world at the same time. Mihalcea’s article is an interesting read and I would encourage everyone to read through it. It’s clear that Technocrats mean our harm and even our deaths, for their good, as they work to prepare the way for the next phase of humankind, a combination of technocracy and biology that will allegedly lift humanity from the limits of simply being human, making it possible to “live forever.” Again, Satan’s wishes for humanity and apparently, we are still suckers for it.
According to Nichols’ article, she highlights the many social experiments that have been happening and continue to happen around the globe. In many ways, C0V was a major social experiment and more people are waking up to that fact daily, but not enough. It was through the use of C0V, that fear was ginned to the maximum in order to get people to comply with every mandate issued by local politicians and bureaucrats. Fearful people always comply much more easily to the illogical.
Nichols refers to the mental health system (MHS) as a key example of how all of this was rolled out to global society. In essence, the MHS was studied to determine the best way to “treat” (read: deal with), people who were housed in mental institutions. Let the experimentation begin! Once technocrats best determined how to “treat” inmates in mental health institutions, it was merely a matter of greatly expanding that process to control all of global society. That may sound conspiratorial...