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Choruses from Chorus Book
Scripture Reading: Psalm 119:161-168 (Bob)
Call to Worship: ‘Sweet Mercies of Jesus’
Scripture Reading: Revelation 1 (Robert)
Hymn # 256- ‘It Is Well with My Soul’
Scripture Reading: Exodus 39 (David)
Message: ‘Pictures of Christ in the Priestly Robes’
Hymn # 58- ‘Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee’
The LORD’s Table
Hymn # 294- ‘Salvation, Like a Shepherd Lead Us’
Call to Worship
(Tune # 34- ‘Immortal, Invisible’)
Sweet mercies of Jesus, I find my Delight.
My Hope in the morning, my Song in the night.
Whatever He sends me, I know it’s from Him.
Both sorrow and joy, till this life shall end.
Sweet Grace of the Savior, I find my Delight.
The Grace of the Sovereign, to give is His right.
The Grace that now reigneth, in righteousness true.
The Grace everlasting, the covenant new.
Sweet peace of the God-Man Whose blood has prevailed,
And reconciled fully, when to the cross nailed.
Sin now made an end of, salvation so free.
Sweet Blessing, Sweet Prospect, Sweet Gospel to me.