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Choruses from Chorus Book
Scripture Reading: Psalms 117; 118 (Robert)
Call to Worship: ‘King of Glory, Sovereign God’
Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 3 (Bob)
Hymn # 222- ‘There Is a Fountain’
Scripture Reading: Exodus 34:29-35 (David)
Message: ‘The Shining Glory of God’
Hymn # 192- ‘According to Thy Gracious Word’
The LORD’s Table
Hymn # 266- ‘Fade, Fade, Each Earthly Joy’
Call to Worship
(Tune # 126- ‘Rock of Ages ‘)
King of Glory, Sovereign God,
Gracious Source of all that’s good!
Thou hast made my soul anew.
Wrought in me to will and do.
On Thy head the crown I set,
Cast my honors at Thy feet.
Boasting, LORD is not for me.
What I am, I am through Thee.
Let me not usurp Thy praise.
Due alone to Thy Free Grace!
Strength and merit I disclaim.
Nought is mine but sin and shame.
Self-abased, O may I feel.
My depravity of will!
Cause me, more and more, to see,
My incessant need of Thee.
Know myself (what well Thou know’st),
Viler than the vilest dust.
Cause me, LORD, to understand.
Take my heart into Thy hand.
Make me pliant to obey,
Passive as the yielding clay.
Mightily in me fulfill,
All the pleasure of Thy will.
Yes, however sin oppose,
What Jehovah wills He does.
Day by day, His power I prove.
Saved by His Constraining Love.
Called by His Effectual Word.
Self-destroyed and God-restored!