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Choruses from Chorus Book
Scripture Reading: Psalm 108 (Bob)
Call to Worship: ‘The Joyful Gospel News’
Scripture Reading: Micah 7 (Robert)
Hymn #224- ‘I Know Whom I Have Believed’
Scripture Reading: Exodus 34:1-26 (David)
Message: ‘A God of Mercy and Forgiveness’
Hymn # 117- ‘He Was Wounded for Our Transgressions’
The LORD’s Table
Hymn # 145- ‘Hail, Thou Once-Despised Jesus’
Call to Worship
(Tune # 249- ‘Just As I Am’)
What Joyful News the Gospel is,
To guilty sinners in distress!
It speaks of Mercy, rich and free,
For such polluted worms as we.
Jesus, my Shepherd, lived and died,
Rose and now lives to intercede.
He bears my name upon His heart,
Nor will He ever with me part.
For me He bore the wrath of God.
For me He in the winepress trod.
He magnified the law for me,
And I forever am set free.
He loved me ere the world began.
Nor did my Savior love alone.
The Spirit and the Father joined,
As One Jehovah, in one mind.
In endless love, the Holy Three,
All blessings have obtained for me.
All good that’s worthy of my God,
For me in Jesus Christ is stored.