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Choruses from Chorus Book
Scripture Reading: Psalm 107 (Robert)
Call to Worship: ‘Beneath the Shadow of the Cross’
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 12 (Bob)
Hymn # 110- ‘Alas and Did My Savior Bleed’
Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 4 (David)
Message: ‘Hope for Struggling Saints’ Romans 7:24-25
Hymn # 256- ‘It is Well with my Soul’
(Tune # 183- ‘Faith of our Fathers’)
Redeemer! Whither should I flee,
Or how escape the wrath to come?
The weary sinner flies to Thee,
For shelter from impending doom.
Smile on me, Gracious LORD and show,
Thyself the Friend of sinners now.
Beneath the shadow of Thy cross,
The heavy-laden soul finds rest.
I would esteem the world but dross,
So I might be of Christ possessed.
I seek my every joy in Thee,
Be Thou both Life and Light to me.
Close to the ignominious tree,
Jesus, my humbled soul would cleave.
Despised and crucified with Thee,
With Thee resolved to die and live.
This prayer and this ambition mine,
Living and dying to be Thine.
There, fastened to the rugged wood,
By Holy Love’s resistless chain.
And life deriving from Thy blood,
Never to wander wide again.
There may I bow my suppliant knee,
And own no other LORD but Thee.