Of course now war has again broken out in the Middle East, prophecy pundits are coming out of the woodwork to highlight what they believe is happening and whether or not it’s fulfilling Scripture. For now, it appears that all of this may fall under our Lord’s warning of “wars and rumors of wars” in Matthew 24.
While there are some very specific details that Jesus provides us in that chapter concerning the times prior to His physical return, the truth is that terrorist groups like Hamas are organizations promoting terror (fear through actions and threats); rogue factions solely designed to destroy Israel and Jews in general (as Hitler enlisted the help of Jerusalem’s Islamic Grand Mufti back then).
Attacking Israel and Jews is one of their primary purposes and the other purpose is to bring the world together as one in a final “caliphate,” whereby Islam reigns over the world through their coming Final Mahdi [1], as I’ve written about previously (see linked article). As Islam looks for this Final Mahdi – the Antichrist – Christians look forward to the physical return and reign of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
When Israel became a nation again in 1948, Arabs became highly indignant. This event began their continued assault on Israel, which ultimately led up to the Six-Day War and continues through today in many forms. Though there have been brief respites in attacks and terrorism since 1948, it has not really slowed down and if we can take anything away from what Jesus told us, it is that things will ramp up and become terrible as His return comes into view. For more information on the Palestine situation, here’s a quick overview of the history/situation in video format from Wild Bill for America. [2]
Is this the beginning of Ezekiel 38-39? I doubt it seriously. How about Psalm 83? I’m not so sure about that either. What I personally believe is happening is simply more of the same – Muslim terrorists attacking Israel and wanting that nation (and all Jews) gone from the Middle East. I’m sure they’d like Jews gone from the world as well.
In Ezekiel 38-39, it seems clear that the leader of Magog (Gog) sees things in Israel he wants and moves out to take those things. What are those things? Natural resources? Gold? Property? It could be a combination of things that drives Gog to invade and attack Israel (though God ultimately moves him). The picture given by Scripture is that the dust kicked up as Gog’s troops approach Israel will be like a cloud. That didn’t happen with this most recent attack. Moreover, once Gog’s troops step on the Mountains of Israel, God said He would directly intervene with a huge earthquake that would rock the entire earth but have its epicenter in or near Jerusalem. The birds of the air and fish of the sea would notice it. That didn’t happen either. God then lobs fire and brimstone at the invaders and watching those same invaders turn against one another. That didn’t happen either. Of course, the Ezekiel war could also be the same as Armageddon toward the end of Revelation. Difficult to know until it happens.
I think it’s safe to say that this most recent invasion and attack by Muslim terrorists...