Lately, I've been watching a number of videos both from the prophecy crowd and the economic experts. What I find fascinating is that people within the economic area are saying the same type of thing that those within prophecy circles are saying.
If I'm wanting to learn what we can expect from the economy, would it be better for me to talk to and/or listen to experts in the area of finance or the area of prophecy? My point, that I've come to realize over the course of the past few months, is that what often passes for prophecy or the prophetic, is really economic advice.
It may sound like I'm nitpicking or being especially hard on some folks, but the reality to me is that within Christendom, there are WAY too many people who make their living off of their YouTube videos, their books, their speaking engagements and conferences. When it all comes down to it, what do they have to say? None of them can tell us when the Rapture will happen and those who have ventured into areas that our outside the purview of Scripture and are shown to be charlatans. No one can tell us when the LORD will physically return. No one can tell us the day when the Tribulation will begin.
What these people end up doing (not that there is anything really wrong with it, but to call it "prophecy" is wrong), is alert people to what MAY be coming down the pike and to do what we can to prepare. This is not prophecy news or forecasting. It is economic news or forecasting and they should simply be honest and call it that.
We know, for example, that 2024 is probably not going to be a good year, much worse than 2022 or 2023. Economic experts (those not part of the mainstream media and/or Leftwing political pundits), have been warning us for a while that things are looking grim. It takes a while for the dominoes to begin to fall and we've been seeing this occur for a bit. Gas prices go up, then come down. The reason for that is that the Biden Administration continues to cancel drilling rights in or just offshore of the USA. We still need gas and oil though to run our economy so the same Biden Administration is forced to then go begging to foreign nations for less quality oil at a higher price.
Under Trump, gas was relatively cheap - and I can recall paying $1.69/gallon - because of his friendship with the Saudis and Trump's willingness to grant drilling leases here in the USA. We had the Colonial Pipeline, the Keystone Pipeline, drilling in Alaska and elsewhere, which allowed the USA to run smoothly. The economy was working fairly well in spite of COVID and the "15 days to slow the spread" two year shutdown.
So economically, it is not hard to predict upcoming trouble. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out nor does it take a prophecy teacher to do the same. It's nice when someone can pull from numerous sources and put things together for us in one place, but again, that's not prophecy. It's still economic forecasting. It would be foolish to ignore that information.
Prophecy is in the Bible. However, in general, prophecy has its deliberate limitations because God doesn't tell us everything about what He plans. Jesus, Paul, Peter, John and others provided us insight, with some specifics, into what society would look like overall as the end of the end times approached. In 2 Timothy 3:1-5, which we've gone over many times, Paul provides details into what people would be like as the end approached. That wouldn't happen overnight. Paul is noting the results of incremental changes that would occur within society and we've seen those incremental changes in earnest since Obama's first (of three), terms as President. While the changes certainly were occurring before he became POTUS, things significantly increased in frequency...