As the Psalmist writes here he does not have in mind the old Adam and his kingdom, for he lost his dominion. This is not the first Adam, but the second that he speaks of: not just a mere reading but a careful study of it will prove so. Paul references this Psalm in the Hebrew letter (2:5-9) as he brings it in to prove to the Hebrews, that âthat manâ in Psalm 8 is the Christ for whom they looked, and that Christ is no other than Jesus whom the Jews rejected. In Romans 5:14 we read that Adam was a type of Him to come, âNevertheless death reigned from to Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adamâs transgression, who is the figure of Him that was to come.â Here we find that Adamâs world is a type of the world to come which is subjected to Christ, âAnd hath put all things under his feetâ (v.6). This is fulfilled in the second Adam not the first, âAnd He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the Churchâ (Eph.1:22). Thomas Goodwin writes, âIt is not proper to apply this to Adam while in the state of innocency, but of Messiah, the LORD Jesus Christ; and therefore answerably that the world, that is not this world, but a world on purpose made for this Messiah, as the other was for Adam.â âOut of the mouth of babes etcâ (v.2): there were no babes in the time of Adamâs innocency; who are these babes and sucklings? John 8:33-45, what is Christ saying here? The children of Abraham bear the characteristics of Abraham; he loved the truth, he loved the God of the truth. The children of Abraham are not as those of Satan; they rejoice in Christ, they are those that have the gospel revealed to them (Matt.22:16-26: 13:10-11). âThat thou mightest still the enemyâ; what is it to still the enemy? Christ victory on the cross; God became a babe and suckling when He took our nature to His divine nature and became a man. He as a babe lay in the bosom that He made and sucked from the papâs that He created. Living as a man he died as a man, a sacrifice unto God, satisfying justice that He might silence the enemy (Heb.2:14-15: Col.2:10-15). Our testimony of the gospel further stills the enemy; it âCauseth us to triumphâ. Romans 16:20, Calvin reads, âOut of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast founded (or established) strength because of the adversaries, that thou mightest put to flight the enemy.â âGod needs not strong military forces to destroy the ungodly; the mouths of His children are sufficient for His purpose.â Acts 2:14-21 was a major revolution in the society of that age, kicking off what eventually revolutionized the whole world. Three thousand were saved, which sent shock waves through the entire Roman Empire. Out of whose mouth did the message flow? (Acts.4:13); who has the supreme authority in this world? Christ and the Church under Christ. The Church has the only hope for peace, the only hope for liberty, she has been endowed with authority to declare the gospel (John 20:21-23). What is the purpose of this, âThat the exxcellency of HIS NAME might be established in ALL the earthâ (v 9). ~~Terry Worthan, 1938-2022