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"THE LORD STOOD BY HIM" - Acts 23:11
Posted by: Sovereign Grace African Fellowship | more..
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But the following night the Lord stood by him and said, “Be of good cheer, Paul; for as you have testified for Me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness at Rome.”

The Lord stands by us, even when we're wrong.

Paul did wickedly when on trial for his life. He claimed to be a Pharisees. He didn't say, "I was a Pharisee," but, "I am."

Vs6, "Now when Paul perceived that one part were Sadducees and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, 'Brothers, I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees. It is with respect to the hope and the resurrection of the dead that I am on trial.”

He went back to Jerusalem, when the Spirit told him, No [Acts 21:4]. He even took a vow and intended to offer a sacrifice [Acts 21:19-26]! Only a mob stopped him. They were going to kill him, but being Roman he escaped. Then, when about to be tortured, he found a way out.

“Brothers, I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees.”

He didn't say, "I'm here because of Christ." He preached an indistinct gospel, because of cowardice!

We ought to be ashamed of ourselves, also. We've denied Christ a thousand ways to serve ourselves. We've used him to make ourselves great. We've cowered before men, and sought glory. We haven't gloried the Lord, as we ought. Self seeking and self promotion have diminished us, and rendered us barely usable.

Nevertheless, the Lord stands with us in his goodness. Let us be more faithful because of it. Let us be tender towards others who are unfaithful. Ephesians 4:2, "with all humility and gentleness, with patience, putting up with one another in love." Christians do so many wrongs.

Steve Lawson, said,

"Let me just tell you this. I have zero reason to be proud. I have every reason to be humble. I just keep forgetting it.

Paul said, 'I am what I am by the grace of God.' You are what you are, Christian, by the grace of God, and you have zero reason to ever be puffed up, arrogant, demanding, self-focused. You are a trophy of grace. Walk in humility."

First, "The Lord stood by him." This is covenant love. Our relationship with God is not performance based. He entered a covenant of love, where he'd love us freely. He based it all upon himself - his grace, his blood, and his Spirit. It never depends on us, originates with us, or can be broken by us. Psalm 89:34 ESV — "I will not violate my covenant or alter the word that went forth from my lips." The sins of our HOLY THINGS are washed clean [Exodus 28:38]. The sins after faith are not imputed [Psalm 32:2]. Our standing is unchanging, or we could never be in fellowship. He forgives completely.

This is great grace. Let us adore it. Be kind to others, because he's kind to you.

"And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ." - -Ephesians 4:32

Be tender hearted, and never proud. Point them to who saves sinners and keeps us. Point to his forgiveness and love.

Secondly, "Take courage!" Do not be defeated. Don't throw in the towel. Repent now, and turn. Believe he'll help you honor him, now.

There's forgiveness and cleansing. You are not cast away! You are not unusable! You may have squandered your years, your family, and your ministry, but you still have God now [Joel 2:25-26]. You have not lost your greatest inheritance. God's comfort, God's Spirit, and usefulness can be given to you now. One woman said, "I destroyed my family, but God has made me love them now."

You may no longer be a pastor, but you can be restored. Your repentance proves that he's with you to make you more useful. Maybe your golden years will support missions. Maybe your body is tattered from backsliding, but you can pray from your sick bed. Pray, and he'll move the world. Give, and you'll excite Thanksgiving [2 Cor 9:11-15].Serve him now in the EXPERIENCE of redemption. Come back, and talk about the music and the dancing of repentance and reconciliation. Tell others that he stands by us, though we fall. Tell them that grace brings us out of sin through forgiveness and power. Tell them he's worthy of faith and love.

We have a friend that sticks closer than a brother. He's faithful, even when abused. Love him back, dear saints. He is worthy!

Thirdly, "You must testify also in Rome." Paul's purpose could not be stopped. God's original purpose - his goodness for us - can not be quenched [Acts 9:15]. Paul's going before kings, as promised, and we are exactly on track to give him glory. Behind the curtain, we see that this is for good.

Do not think your life is over. Serve him faithfully! Testify unashamedly with the years that you have left. Stand before King Agrippa, and tell him your experience. Never mind the chain. Write letters in prison, and grow mighty in prayer. Learn to rejoice in difficulty, and pray for your enemies. These are marks of restoration!

Finally, the gospel is a hope filled message for sinners; it's also for saints who are out of the way. God takes the damnable, and makes us useful!

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