“I assure you: You will weep and wail, but the world will rejoice. You will become sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn to joy."
Our sorrow turns to joy at the revelation of Christ the Lord. This is NOT mere head knowledge: the Spirit gives us conviction that our sins are gone, and we are justified for life - fit to live for God by the Spirit. We get overwhelming power and peace.
First, the Spirit convicts us of sin. Sorrow fills our heart, then we rejoice.
The Lord Jesus went to the Father, but the disciples didn't know. They thought He was gone forever. Thus, when our hearts are broken by the absence of Christ (whether we know it or not,) He comes to us by the gospel, and says, "See My wounds? I've put away your sin. Peace be unto you." He comes by the Holy Spirit in peace, love, and compassion, even as He reprove us. He comes with power to obey.
Secondly, our joy is full, and no one takes it away. It's the joy of a mighty God in the heart, not in the circumstances; it's not in the world. John 16:22, "So you also have sorrow now. But I will see you again. Your hearts will rejoice, and no one will rob you of your joy." It's a HIGHER JOY that satisfies within. It's living water, the bread of life, and its power to rejoice in God's will, as He gives us comfort that sin cannot, which satisfies deep within.
It's slander to say the devil is fun, and God is mean and boring. People don't know the joy of Christ only because they are not living right. If they were relying on Him and doing His will, then they'd experience peace that surpasses understanding [Phil 4:7]. God's not a liar, and He gives us the Spirit to prove it.
Thirdly, this joy is for all who believe. The Spirit convicts God's elect [John 16:8-11]. I know I'm elected through believing. The disciples saw a physical Jesus, but we see Him by faith. He still comes to us in the resurrection, and only witnesses chosen by God can see Him [Acts 10:40-41]. He's still the same today as yesterday - the same power to give holiness and happiness. He's still to be believed.
Reach out by faith and trust Him. He'll give abundant life. Every promise is real, and the comfort is unimaginable. How can He give peace in trial? Keep looking to Him and believing [John 16:24]. Determine to honor Him, and He'll give you power to obey. Look to His love, and He'll show you mercy, working in you what pleases Him. Oh, the life of Christ is real. Don't take it for granted or count it as a light thing. Stay near to Christ by the cross.
Finally, Jesus is all of our happiness, so keep looking to Him. Real joy is for the taking; it's receiving Jesus!