Psalm 59:16-17 — But I will sing of Your power; Yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning; For You have been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble. To You, O my Strength, I will sing praises; For God is my defense, my God of mercy.
It's wonderfully true that our God is great. He is immense. He is almighty. He is omnipotent (all powerful). He is also so merciful. God treats us in ways that we don't deserve. He is so good, kind, and compassionate towards us every day. Think about this for a moment now. When we take time to pause and really consider the magnitude and magnificence of these things and the many others that are true of who He is and what He does, when we reflect back to what He has done in the past, as well as His promises and presence in our present, we are quickly and easily overwhelmed with joy and gladness, aren't we?
That overflowing joy, like David had, moves us to praise, moves to sing about the wonders of our God. David experienced the defense and surety the Lord had been to him, time and again. God was at David's side in his days of trouble- helping him, guiding him, protecting him. David had his questions and struggles with God and His providence, but God always restored and maintained confidence and His joy in David's heart. When joy brought David to break out in song, what did he sing about? What would others have heard from David's lips, if they were near him? David broke out in psalm and song. They'd hear wonderful words of God's power and mercy. They'd hear wonderful words of defense, refuge, and salvation. They were words David couldn't but say. They were words that others desperately needed to hear.
As we think about it, God's power and mercy are wonderfully connected here. Matthew Henry makes a great observation about the connection- "Power, without mercy, is to be dreaded; mercy, without power, is not what a man can expect much benefit from; but God's power by which he is able to help us, and his mercy by which he is inclined to help us, will justly be the everlasting praise of all the saints." That's so true, isn't it? God's power and mercy, Him being willing and able to truly and fully help us, is more than sufficient cause for us to give Him our undying and eternal praise.
O, that we wouldn't be timid, distracted, have tunnel-vision, or a skewed focus in our days of trouble, or any day for that matter. May our thoughts and words be intentional. May we too break out in song, in praise to the living God for His mercies to us in Jesus Christ, for Him being our strength and song (Psalm 118:14-18). Jesus is our sure and steadfast anchor of our souls (Hebrews 6:19). He is our defender, refuge, and salvation. We must and love to humbly run to Christ in our times of need. He is our God of mercy. May God's grace be at work in us that we all would sing sincerely and boldly with David, "to You, O my Strength, I will sing praises; For God is my defense, my God of mercy." Know your God, love your God, sing praises to and about your God. Praise God for His Word and what He reveals to us, and teaches us therein!