Psalm 2:1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? 2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, 3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. 4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
Every year Muslims are strongly encouraged to make a pilgrimage to Mecca. Many follow that urging and just about every year some people get killed in the stampeding that takes place during that trip. A number of years ago I had the privilege of going to Israel for 8 days. It was a very interesting trip for me. On the last day of that trip we were scheduled to meet with the tourism ministry in Israel. We were all given a certificate which recognized our “pilgrimage” to Israel. I did not go on a pilgrimage. I was offered the opportunity to make that trip at a reasonable price and I took it. It was very educational but it certainly was not a pilgrimage for me. My hope and my faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ, not in my self-efforts. It seems now that the place for world leaders to go is to Ukraine. Just this weekend, the first lady of the U.S. was there. Then it was reported that our P.M. was also there. They are all going there for their pilgrimage and acting as if they are so very concerned about what is happening in that country. There is so much going on there that the main stream media is not telling us about. It is foolish for the west to stick their noses into a conflict between two other countries. The problem is that the west has been involved in raising this conflict for a long time. Mr. Biden is deeply compromised in that area. He and his son have been siphoning money out of Ukraine for a long time. The attention being given to this conflict now is just a smoke screen to cover for other evil deeds of the west. Psalm 2 is a Messianic Psalm. It is talking about the opposition of the world against God and against His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. That opposition has been around since the fall of man. It has expressed itself in different ways and it is becoming increasingly louder over the years. In Psalm 2, God directed the Psalmist to ask an important question. The word translated as “heathen” is usually a reference to “non Jewish people”. Non Jewish people have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for a long time. They are also interfering in events in Europe now. The word translated as “rage” refers to “a commotion.” Our P.M. was bravely talking about the war crimes being committed by Russia. What about the abuse of power he has used in this country that he is supposed to be governing? He has trampled on people’s human rights and he is boldly supporting the murder of unborn children in this country. He has no right to talk about any abuses anywhere else. Those who cheer him on are just as guilty as he is. God says the heathen imagine a vain thing. Something that is vain is empty. It has no place in reality. We have been living through a vain time for over 2 years in this country. We have put up with unscientific babble and most people have bought into the lies. The government has lied and twisted the facts to scare most people into subjection to their vain thing. They have succeeded among the gullible people. There are groups that are trying to find a solution to the oppression be are under. They also are using vain methods to try to change things. In verse 2 we see that the kings of the earth set themselves up and they take counsel together against the LORD. We have had the Davos economic summits for a while now. The WEF has been plotting the course that has brought us through the turmoil of the past two years. They are not done yet. They have more planned. Verse 3 tells us what their plan is. The world is seeking to break out from under God’s authority. That has been happening now for many, many years. Evolution is all about getting away from God. God has given wicked men some slack to develop Godless laws. The world is suffering greatly because of the foolish laws they have passed. Our country is still planning more Godless laws. Politicians of all stripes are content to go along with this evil. Some give lip service to opposition to what is being debated, but there is no seriousness to the noise coming from them. In verse 4 we see God’s response to all the noise coming from the heathen. God is not shaken by man’s rattling. Our P.M. knows how to act. He took lessons in drama. He is not a good actor but he knows how to make faces demonstrating his disgust for those who oppose his wickedness. Most of those who oppose him would not necessarily call what he is doing wicked, but they know he is not a good leader. He has voiced his disgust for those who profess to know the God of heaven. Anybody who is observant, can see that Canada is going down hill. The plan of the WEF is to take everything away from the common people by 2030. If you pay attention you can see they are definitely working to that end. It is not time to give up on life. It is time to humbly submit to God’s authority. God is allowing Klaus Schwab and his cronies to plot. He is allowing them to enact some of their evil plans. While He is allowing this to take place, He is in heaven laughing at them. He knows that eventually all their planning will fall apart. He knows that the wicked will lose and will stand at the great white throne judgment. There they will face the Lord Jesus Christ, whom they now despise. The word translated as “derision” speaks of “mocking and deriding”. God scoffs at those who want to push Him away. He lets evil advance to a certain degree, but only so far. During the Tribulation it will advance far more than it has in all of history to that point. However, God will be interfering with the evil plot of the anti-christ and He will bring plagues and upheaval that will cause the anti-christ to be off balance in his plans. We have pictures of how that works in the life of the Pharaoh in the book of Exodus. He hated God and had a plan for Israel. God allowed him to go so far, but God stepped in and threw Pharaoh’s plans off balance. He could not counter God’s plagues. Eventually Pharaoh was floating on the Red Sea, dead. God was still alive and in charge. He led Israel to the promised land of Canaan. Nebuchadnezzar had evil plans for Israel as well. God gave him a dream that showed he would be the first of 4 major kingdoms. He would be the greatest of the 4. He was shown that his kingdom would not be forever. Yet he carried on with his stubborn ways. God humbled him and made him like an animal for 7 years. He ate grass like an animal. He looked like a scruffy eagle with long claws. He came to see that he was not nearly as great as he thought he was and he also came to see that the God of Israel was the true God. God knows the right way for man to live. Those who want to plot their own course apart from Him will come to see they are in a futile battle. They cannot accomplish what they want and they die before they get half of what they want, done. They end up in torment for all eternity because they reject the true God and they plot against Him. The question being asked in the opening words of this Psalm is important to consider today. Don’t stand against God’s will and way. Don’t let your imagination take you on a vain path. Submit to God and know His blessings. Pastor Bartel