Genesis 3:20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
Life has changed drastically in Canada in my lifetime. It is amazing to see how much things have changed as a result of the continued rejection of the true God. The anchors are gone. The foundation is crumbling. It is also interesting to note how many older people who should know better have just adopted the changes as part of life. The news reported this week that there is at least one school in B.C. that is not going to recognize “mother’s day or father’s day.” They claim they want to be more inclusive in their teaching. They have adopted the term: “The Grownups Who Love us, Day.” They say they want to help those who only have one parent, or those who have lost their parents. One teacher stated that she did not know what all the fuss was about, with regard to making this change. Those who are proposing this new term have no understanding of what love is.
I John 4:10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
We do not even know what love is unless we receive God’s love first of all. Love is not that warm fuzzy feeling we may have. It is more than an emotional thing. God’s love is the true love that has the best interest of man in mind. God knows what we need and He provides all that we need through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. True love begins with knowing the true God. Once a mother knows God’s love, then she can treat her children with the proper love. Then she will desire for her children that which is good and right. She will be more concerned about seeing her children know the love and peace of God, than that they be fashion models or get some good paying job. In our text we see that God directed Adam to call his wife Eve. The text also tells us why he called her that. Eve is the mother of us all. We noted yesterday, that God created them male and female. God commanded them to be fruitful and multiply. Two men cannot be fruitful and multiply. Two women cannot be fruitful and multiply either. God created man and He made a clear distinction between the man and the woman. The latest person chosen for the U.S. supreme court (who is a woman), was asked if she could give a definition for a woman, and she stated that she could not. She is trying very hard to be politically correct and thus did not want to offend the wicked people who believe that gender is fluid. She will be sitting on the supreme court making decisions as part of the highest physical court in the U.S. We can see that she is incapable of making wise decisions because she has rejected God’s law. The Bible teaches that mothers have a very important role in society. Adam would never have had any children if God had not created Eve. God knew that, and He created Eve to be the help that was meet for Adam. The Bible is a patriarchal book from beginning to end. God is always referred to as a male and as a father. There is no such a thing as father/mother god. In false religions there is a mess in regard to their gods. However, the true God is male. Angels in the Bible are also always males. However, we see in Genesis 3:15 that God declared that the “seed of the woman shall bruise the head of the serpent.” God did not make that statement about Adam. He made that statement about Eve. The male would have no part in bringing this important “seed” into the world. God would choose a woman and He would work in her body to bring conception to pass. In Genesis 17:16 God promised Abraham that his wife Sarah, would be a mother of nations. Sarah only had one son, Isaac. Yet God promised that Sarah would be the mother of nations. God also spoke highly of Moses’ mother, who kept Moses alive and well nourished as long as she could and then when that was no longer possible, she placed him in a waterproof basket (ark) and placed him in the river and watched to see what would become of him. Due to God’s intervention, she was given further opportunity to raise that young boy. We know that she poured into that young boy the fear of the Lord. Moses would spend many years in Pharaoh’s court and yet the Bible tells us that he rejected the pleasures of sin which were all around him in Pharaoh’s court. He chose to identify with his own people who were suffering under Egyptian bondage, rather than enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. Moses chose to identify with the true God, rather than follow the paganism of Pharaoh and the nation of Egypt. We also know that God chose Mary to be the mother of Jesus Christ. Joseph is not the father of Jesus Christ. Joseph was told to take Mary to be his wife and not to put her away in divorcement. Joseph assumed that Mary had been unfaithful to him during the betrothal period, but God showed him this was not the case. Joseph was content to obey God and take Mary to be his wife. He was willing to provide for her needs and to be the human father figure for Jesus, but Jesus pointed out In Luke 2:49 that He needed to be about His Father’s business. The false teachers would accuse Jesus of being an illegitimate son born of fornication. They knew that Jesus was born before Joseph and Mary had consummated their marriage. They wrongly assumed there was immorality involved in the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. Mary would have had that stigma attached to her, but she did not allow that to interfere with her role as a God-fearing mother. She knew the truth. Mary did not bring about the origin of Jesus Christ. She was the vehicle that God chose to give flesh to His eternal Son. Mary had a special place in history. We know that some people at that time looked upon Mary very highly. Mary did not see herself as being anyone special. Jesus reminded us that we do not worship Mary. She was highly favoured of the Lord God because she was a woman who knew the love of God in her heart and she was a faithful servant of God. She faced challenges that no other mother would ever face. She was told that her son would suffer greatly and she witnessed His sufferings and His cruel and violent death. She did not try to interfere with God’s design for Jesus Christ. She needed to learn some things about Him, but she did not interfere with God’s will. Mothers can have a very powerful influence over their children if they walk in the fear of the Lord. Solomon was directed to warn children to listen to their mother’s teaching. The context is with regard to a godly mother. Children should obey their parents, but parents also need to seek to instil God’s truth in the hearts and minds of their children. A godly mother will pour many hours into the life of her children. She will grieve when her child is hurting. She will work hard to prepare the food that her child(ren) will need. She will look after their physical needs, but she will also seek to impart God’s truth to the child. It is a wonderful thing to have a godly mother. A praying and faithful mother is of great blessing.
Proverbs 31:28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
We need godly mothers today. We need women who will humble themselves before the Lord and know His salvation. We need women who will put serving God as their highest priority. Not every woman will be a mother. Not every woman will bear children. Those who are blessed with that opportunity will not dwell on the sorrows of child-bearing. They will seek to serve God faithfully as they seek to do their part as the mother in the household. There is no greater blessing than for a mother to be able to see her child(ren) knowing the Lord and walking faithfully with Him. For us as children, we need to value our mothers as God would have us to. Some of us have already lost our mothers. Those of us who are men and married, can seek to help our children to have a proper attitude toward their mothers. We can support them in their role as mothers and pray for them and encourage them to be godly mothers. Let the world try to be “woke”. They just prove themselves to be wicked and foolish the more “woke” they want to be. Let us be God-fearing individuals who love the Lord and demonstrate that love in having a right attitude toward others and in this case, toward our mothers. Pastor Bartel