This week we witnessed a further breakdown of law and order. Someone in the U.S. “leaked” a preliminary report on discussions being held in the Supreme Court of the U.S. with regard to Roe vs. Wade. Immediately the murderers in both Canada and the U.S. made sure they made their voice heard. One reporter in Canada stated that the P.M. would use this issue as a means of attacking the Conservatives. The P.M. has demanded that all of his party members must be in favour of the murder of unborn children. Thus we know that there cannot be any born again, God-fearing Christians within the Liberal party of Canada. There may be some pseudo christians, but there will be no true Christians in that party. The reporter made it clear in his report that he was in favour of the murder of unborn children. Joe Biden stated after the leak that all the major religions were in favour of Roe vs. Wade. He claims to be a devout Catholic (which means he is a lost man). Even the pagan Catholic religion has come out against what is termed abortion. It is a shame that Canada does not have a law regarding the murder of unborn children. The Canadian Supreme court said many years ago, that Parliament should deal with this matter, but the politicians in this country have refused to show any respect for life. Sadly, too many Canadians have looked the other way when they went to the ballot box. They ignored this gross and evil fact and they voted for those who would defend the murder of unborn children. Even those who claim to be pro-life seem to have an exception clause that God does not have. We will look at capital punishment in another devotional. This devotional is dealing with the importance of protecting the life of unborn children. It is not surprising that only one of the candidates for the Conservative leadership has somewhat of a pro-life position. None has openly stated that what we are really talking about is the murder of unborn children. They have stated they will not make any statement on this particular matter until they hear how the U.S. Supreme Court actually rules on this issue. The argument on the side of the murderers is that the woman should have the right to choose whether or not she wants to carry that living human being to term. This is an extremely selfish position. No one on that side considers the life of that pre-born child. We hear much about discrimination, but what about the deliberate attack against one of the most vulnerable groups of people in the world. Unborn children cannot defend themselves. In fact, young children cannot defend themselves. They need their parents to look after them. The Bible teaches us that God created the man and the woman to be fruitful and multiply. Thus, when a man and a woman choose to go to bed together, they can expect there might be a child that develops from that activity. They have a choice of initiating reproduction, but Biblically that is where the choice ends. They need to be responsible and accept the results of that choice. We know that Moses’ parents understood the importance of the life of a child. The Pharaoh of that time demanded that the mid-wives murder every male child born to the Hebrews. Moses’ parents did not follow that evil command, nor did the mid-wives. Moses was protected by his parents for as long as they could, but he was also protected by God throughout that whole time and beyond. We know that life begins at the moment of conception.
Psalm 139:13 For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. 14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. 15 My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. 16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.
There is no ambiguity involved here. God sees the formation of that child from the moment of conception. He directed the Psalmist to write about the wonderful work that takes place inside the womb over the developmental stage of that child. The medical field of our time has tried to get around the murder of unborn children by calling the pre-born child a “fetus”. That is a scientific term to describe the unborn. It is not just applied to unborn human beings. When it comes to human beings, it would be prudent to reject that terminology because it seeks to dehumanize that child that is being developed in the womb of the woman. We know that the woman is not carrying a dog or a cat or anything other than a human being. We do know that there are women who are guilty of bestiality. God warned against that in the Old Testament. We know that God created the various animals to reproduce after their kind and He also created man to reproduce after his kind. Getting back to our topic, it is important that those who are born again stand where God stands on the matter of life. It is evil for a woman to choose to murder her unborn child. It is equally evil for the man involved in this conception to endorse the murder of the unborn child. It is also just as evil for the doctors and nurses who would dare to defy God and be involved in the murder of the unborn child. Then there are the politicians and the police and the judges and many others who also condone and protect this evil action. God can and does forgive those who turn to Him in repentance. Murderers can be forgiven. However, it is wicked to try to whitewash this sin and then try to speak out on other sins. True Christians should not be ashamed to state clearly where they stand and why. God is very clear on this matter and God’s people need to be equally clear in their position. God is holy and He tells us that life is precious. Human life must be protected. In Canada, life is cheap. We can see that. We have seen how the police treated peaceful individuals in Ottawa over the past few weeks. We can see how the politicians washed their hands of this and even invented lies to try to defend the brutality that was celebrated. We can also see how many have looked the other way when it comes to the murder of unborn children. When we will not respect the life of the most vulnerable, we will not respect the life of anyone. That is where we are at today. God’s command is simple and it is clear. “Thou shalt not kill.” Pastor Bartel