Psalm 19:9 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
The Psalmist was directed by God to remind us of the importance of the fear of the LORD. The fear of the LORD spoken of here is not a crippling fear. The devil is a fear monger.
II Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
How do we reconcile these two truths? The fear that David wrote of is a godly, holy reverence for the true God. We see that in these verses in Psalm 19, the word LORD is all capitalized. The word LORD is found 6580 times in 5555 verses. It is the Hebrew word Jehovah or Yahweh. It is the name of God that describes Him as the self-existent God. He does not need anything from anyone. God did not create the world because He needed man, or He needed food so He made the animals. The Jehovah’s Witnesses have tried to claim the name of the LORD as their defining point. The “Jehovah” of the J.W.’s is not the Jehovah of the Bible. Their Jehovah is not a triune God. They reject the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. They also reject the reality of Hell. There are many things wrong with that cult. Paul was directed to write in II Timothy 1:7 that those who are saved do not need to fear the devil and his many tactics. Over the past two years the world at large as been governed by panic. Panic is an irrational fear. Many people have taken the shots because they have been brainwashed into believing that the virus is extremely deadly and they need the shots to survive and “for the good of others.” Our secular educational system has trained most of the current society not to be able to think rationally. Most people believe in evolution. That is a completely irrational concept of how things came into being and how things came to their current state. Yet most people never question that completely false view. Those same people will reject the fact that God created the heaven and the earth and that our world is approximately 6,000 years old, not 4.? billion years old. The virus used to put people into a panic state originated in a lab. It was developed by wicked men like Dr. Fauci who had an evil idea to see if they could develop a virus that would infect people and kill off a certain segment of society. Thus far they have failed with the virus, but they have been somewhat successful with the shots that most people have run out to get. Follow the science is the mantra. If we follow the science we can observe that the death from the virus is not nearly as high as they projected. To this day, every action being taken by our “officials” is based on modelling. It is not based on facts. I can draw a picture and I can put numbers on it and I can draw lines and make anything I want. That is what they have done. They make it look real, and because most people are in a panic mode, they refuse to see reality. The science does not support what they are trying to feed us at all. We have mentioned before that when this virus was first announced, I had no idea what was going on. I wanted to believe the reports that were coming out. However, it did not take long to start to question the approach that was being taken to this virus. Never before have we had the media and politicians involved in constant reporting of the deaths of any virus. Then we were given reports of “cases”. Very early this virus was labelled as a “pandemic”. What many people seem to be ignorant of is that the word “pandemic” was redefined during the time of the H1N1 virus. I remember the panic that overtook many people at that time. It amazed me that people were so blind at that time. We are not living in the midst of a pandemic of a virus. We are living in a time of willful ignorance. Our P.M. came out early in the time of this virus stating that the only hope was a shot. He called it a “vaccine”. The term “vaccine” has also been redefined. What they are giving people at this time is not a vaccine. It is an experimental jab that the makers of it know is extremely dangerous. They tried to hide the information for 75 years, but there was enough pressure put on them that they are slowly releasing the data now. There are thousands and thousands of pages of data. It is now too late for many people. Many have died from the shots. Many have already been debilitated with neurological problems and heart issues and other harmful side effects from the shots. Yet no officials have been arrested or imprisoned for this evil plot. It is very interesting to note that the medical and political people have had no problem labelling many people as having the Wuhan virus. They did not hesitate to mention the numbers almost on a daily basis. Now that there have been many deaths reported shortly after people have received the shots, all of a sudden, these same officials do not know what is causing these people to die suddenly. Does that not seem strange to you? If we would use the minds that God has given us, we would not fall for the evil schemes that the devil is pushing. “The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever.” Too many people have committed suicide as a result of the unhealthy fear due to officials who will be held accountable by God for their evil deeds. Illicit drug use is up and overdoses are up as a result of the fear that many are living under. That is not a clean fear. That is a dirty fear. The word translated as “clean” has a very similar meaning to the word “pure”. God is not trying to confuse us with His truth. He is not causing any contradictions. The descriptive words used here are closely related to one another. God is reinforcing His truth for us. God also speaks of His “judgments”. We are not seeing good judgment being practiced with regard to this virus and the evil plots of the officials. The courts have sided far too often with the illegal and ungodly actions of the politicians. There have been some tickets thrown out. However, the damage that has been done to people’s lives will never be corrected in this life. The politicians will be protected and will continue to live and steal funds from the citizens of the countries they live in. God’s judgments are righteous altogether. There is no flaw in God’s judgments. He judged Cain in a completely righteous way. He judged the people of Noah’s day righteously. He judged David righteously. He has always judged each person righteously. At death, every saint is judged righteously at the judgment seat of Christ. At death, every lost person is cast into hell due to God’s righteous judgment. They will meet Jesus Christ personally at the great white throne judgment and will be judged righteously for their rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. The books will be opened. God is keeping accurate records of every lost person. No lost person will have any argument against Jesus Christ. They will all be cast into the lake of fire to spend all of eternity in torment. There are many parents and grandparents who claim to love their children. Yet, they do not believe the truth themselves and they are keeping the truth from their children and grandchildren. This is sad and it is shameful. In these last three verses God has shown us how important His Word is. Remember that God began this chapter by stating that the heavens declare the glory of God. Every human being can know there is one true God just by looking into the heavens. We do not need to get into a plane. We do not need to get into a space craft. We just need to use our human eyes to see God’s greatness. Those who are physically blind and cannot see, can listen to others who can see and they could describe the greatness of what is in the heavens. God is gracious and is proclaiming His truth to us in a practical way. As we have noted, no one will be able to blame God for not knowing Who He is. We can know. Many choose not to know. I trust that those receiving these devotionals choose to know the truth. I have been told by some that they are too busy to read my devotionals. That is their choice. I hope and pray that no person is too busy to humbly and honestly read God’s Word. That would truly be a shame. As we will see in the following verses, there are great blessings that God has in store for those who will read and believe His Word. Pastor Bartel