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Pastor Bartel | Treherne, Manitoba
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God’s Cure For the Naive Person
Posted by: Calvary Baptist Church Of Treherne | more..
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Psalm 19:7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.

God’s Word is many things. All of them are good and needful for man. In verse 7 God declares His Word to be the law. Notice that it is further declared to be the “law of the LORD”.
Our officials do not realize this today. Whether it be the police or doctors or politicians, most do not see God’s Word as the law of the LORD. They assume that they can override God’s law for humanistic purposes. Sadly many professing Christians also do not see God’s Word as the law of the LORD. Many doubt that there is an absolute truth available to man.
In Alberta, the chief medical doctor has been on the stand for a couple of days this week as she has been questioned about her role in limiting people from acting like people. She has insisted on social distancing and masking and trying to force people to get untested and very unsafe injections. The trial does not deal with the shots, but with events prior to that. She claims that her actions were to protect the hospital system which she claims was being overwhelmed. Several medical officials have already admitted that they were not reporting the number of people with Covid in the hospital accurately . They of course have not admitted to lying, but that is what it was. They included people who were admitted for other reasons and happened to “test positive” for the virus as “Covid 19” patients.
Many people are not aware of their rights and they have subjected themselves to inhumane treatment through getting “tested”. There is no law that can force a person to submit to this cruel abuse. The tests are not of any value either. The PCR machines being used cannot detect the difference between a current live virus and the residual from a cold or other infection up to 6 months in the past. The machines being used were designed to give false positives so that the governments could use them as part of their plan to instil panic in the population. Even after the restrictions have been eased in many areas, there are people so fearful of this “virus” that they still want others to wear the mask and to social distance. The governments are still pushing the unhealthy and completely unnecessary shots.
It is important for God’s people to remind others that God’s Word is the “law of the LORD”. Too many professing Christians have made a mockery of God’s law by accepting and promoting the perversions. Which is the law when there are so many perversions of it? God did not honour the devil’s questioning of His law in Genesis 3. He judged the devil. God did not endorse Cain’s distortion of His law in Genesis 4. He reminded Cain of Who is in authority and that Cain needed to deal properly with his sinful heart. After Cain’s continued rebellion, God put a mark on him. Cain complained about that, but God did not change His law to accommodate Cain’s wickedness.
God’s Law is unchanging. We can be thankful for that fact.

Malachi 3:6 For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.

Notice that the “law of the LORD is perfect”. The word translated as “perfect” means: “complete, whole, entire”. Those who have determined to sit down and critique God’s Word and make “corrections” to the Word of God are fools. They have demonstrated the pride in their hearts. They have rejected the fact that God’s law cannot be corrected. Many people have rejoiced to find these perversions in the “Christian book stores” and they choose which perversion they like better. Of course the one they like better is the one that agrees more with their corrupted hearts.
God’s Word does not need changing. It is man’s heart that needs to be changed. Those who are truly born again have no desire in correcting God’s Word. They humbly submit to God’s Word and by God’s grace are changed to be more like God intended them to be.
God further described His Word as “the testimony of the LORD”.

II Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

The testimony speaks of a witness. In II Timothy 3:16, the word “inspiration” speaks of being “God-breathed”. God directed the men He chose to write the Scriptures to write exactly what He told them. They were holy men of God. They were not like those who have tampered with God’s Word in making the perversions. They knew the Lord as their God and Saviour and they had a holy reverence for God and did not think they knew better than God. They humbly submitted to Him and wrote what He said so that all people could benefit from reading and believing in the true God.
As we see in Psalm 19:7, God’s Word will make the simple wise. The Hebrew word translated as “simple” speaks of those who are naive and seducible. Every person is naive and seducible at some point. We are all born as lost sinners. As lost sinners we believe the lies of the devil. We follow his lies until and if we get saved. The saved person can still be deceived if he or she is not in the Word of God faithfully and if they are not attending a true local church faithfully. The individual who thinks that he has arrived and knows the Bible good enough to get by is already deceived.

I Corinthians 10:12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.
13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

The key to not being deceived is God’s salvation and then walking humbly with God. God makes the way of escape from temptation. We are not smart enough to figure out that way ourselves.
God directed the Psalmist to remind us that the same God Who put the sun in its place to shine and give heat to all of mankind, is the same God who gave us His Word to direct the steps of the wise person so that he or she does not fall for the lies of the devil.
I was sent a link recently to a man who boasts of studying the “supernatural” for 40 years. The man is still deceived because he has been following the lies of the devil. He was interviewing a woman on the link sent to me and they were both deceived and they showed pictures of the audience and people were nodding in agreement and raising their hands in excitement at what they were hearing. That whole group was willingly deceived. Those that sent me the link are also deceived. There are many naive and seducible people in our world. They want to hear of spectacular things. They want to command the devil. What a foolish thing to do.
It is only when we know the Lord and get into His Word that we become wise to the schemes of the devil. We can avoid them and we can discern them and we can warn others of them. We need God’s Word. We need to stand in awe of the almighty God and worship Him. His blessing is reserved for those who will turn to Him in repentance and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. He wants to bless all people, but those who reject His Word push Him aside. They are missing out on the greatest blessings.
I trust that those receiving these devotionals are willing to listen to what God has to say and willing to submit to Him. He desires to bless us. Let us come before Him in humility seeking His blessing.
Pastor Bartel

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