Psalm 19:1 To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. 2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. 3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
Every day the heavens show us something different. I saw some pictures of northern lights a couple of days ago. I am not a night person so I am not up to watch these lights. When I was younger I saw them and it was very interesting to watch them move in the night sky. There are different stars that can be seen, depending on the clarity in the sky. The cloud formations are also different every day. God directed the Psalmist to write, “the heavens declare the glory of God.” It is sad that so many cannot see the glory of God in the heavens. Those that are saved certainly can be blessed as we take the time to notice what God is showing us in the heavens. As David further stated, the firmament certainly shows God’s handywork. I remember the first time I was in an airplane. I remember sitting in a window seat and as that jet soared up above the clouds, it was amazing to me to notice the formation of those clouds from the topside. They looked like cotton balls to me. I had a camera with me and I took some pictures of that to show my wife and children, but the pictures did not do justice to what I saw. It was an amazing thing to see. For me it was awe-inspiring and caused me to rejoice in God’s greatness. Whether we get to go up into the sky or whether we look at the sky from the ground, it is amazing to see God’s handywork. He is the greatest artist ever known. His pictures are such amazing scenes to look at. We can be reminded of the greatness of the true God as we look at the heavens each day. As verse 2 states, every day is a new message of the greatness of God. God pointed Abraham to the heavens to help him to see that he could trust the promises of God. We know that the wise men from the east were guided by a particular star, to the place where Jesus Christ was to be found. They had obviously been studying the night sky and noticed something unique about that star. We know that there are occultists who look to the sky and they draw completely wrong conclusions from what God shows us. The Bible warns of those who worship the stars. The Babylonian religion is known for that and sadly, the Israelites learned the way of the heathen. God sent them prophets to warn them and to challenge to turn back to God, but Israel would not listen. We do not worship the stars or the planets. We stand in awe of the God who put them there and how He reveals His greatness every day through what we can see in the sky. Many a sailor has been blessed by paying attention to the sky as they have travelled from place to place. Many a land traveller has also been blessed in taking note of the stars and also taking note of the different cloud formations as they make their way from point A to point B. In verse 3 we see that everybody can know there is a great God Who created the heavens as they look into the sky. Sadly for many, they have been taught a distorted view of the heavens and they miss out on the great blessings that God has put there. I am reminded of the Russian cosmonauts that were up in space and one of them is reported to have stated that he did not see God anywhere up there. Someone responded to that foolish statement with words to the effect that all that man needed to do was to step outside of his spacecraft and he would have met God immediately. The question that needs to be asked is what was that man looking for? What would he have wanted to see that would have convinced him there is a God? That is the question for us as well. Those who go on in life as if there is no God and that things just happened over time are truly missing out on great blessings. What a tragedy to see the marvels of God’s creation in the heavens alone and to miss the blessing of humbly bowing before the God of Creation and praising Him for His omniscience. What a privilege it is to know this true God. What a blessing to know that the God Who has the wisdom to place the stars, the planets, the clouds in the heavens, is wanting to lead us humans with His wisdom. We hear of collisions on the highways from time to time. We hear of aircraft that crash from time to time. Yet God designed the heavens in such a way that for the past 6,000 years no stars have collided. The sun has never crashed. The earth is stable in its sphere. Everything is working in a manner that we can enjoy the seasons and do not need to be fearful of “climate change” as our governments are trying to deceive us. God told Noah:
Genesis 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
All of that is possible because God is in charge of the heavens. He provides the necessary heat and moisture for the crops to grow. He provides the lightening and the thunder that are important to the soil. He gives us the cooler temperatures and the snow to play in and to shovel, etc. We can look at life and complain and wish for something different, but we can also look at what God is showing us and glorify Him for His grace and goodness to us. Yes, there are storms that cause damage. There are snow storms that can make it difficult to get around. There is flooding at times. There is also drought at times. We need to learn from all these things and we need to trust God to provide for us in His marvellous ways. Jesus showed His disciples how they could approach the challenges of the weather in a proper manner. The apostle Paul learned how to trust God in the midst of the storm as the captain of the ship failed to listen to his wise counsel. There were material losses because they would not listen to wise counsel. However, Paul made it to his destination in Rome safely. As we look at the heavens, we need to stand in awe of the greatness of the true God. It is a great blessing to know this true God and have a right relationship with Him. We can trust Him to guide us safely to the heavenly home He has prepared for us, if we know Him as Saviour and Lord. Pastor Bartel