Saved people cannot give the Holy Spirit to lost people. God gives the person the Holy Spirit at salvation. Salvation does not rub off on lost people who are in close proximity to saved people. There are reports that people that have received these shots can pass on the detrimental effects of the shot to others that are near at hand. These shots are dangerous in more ways than one. There are also reports that many of those who get the third dose, will develop AIDS. AIDS is an acronym that stands for: “auto immune deficiency syndrome.” There are reports that state that 50% of those in Israel who have received the shots have AIDS. These shots destroy the natural immune function of the body. God has designed our bodies to develop immunity to the various diseases that are in our world. That is why so many of those people ended up in the hospital when the Omicron strain was reported. The Omicron strain is much weaker than the previous strains, but due to the auto immune deficiency, they could not fight it off. In reality the Omicron strain was more like a cold that affected the upper respiratory tract. I know this is off topic, but we need to be aware of what is going on in our world. We need to be aware of the sinister plot that was developed and is now being played out by wicked people.
In verse 11 of our text, we read that the foolish virgins could not enter the wedding feast. There is a time frame that must be met for salvation. We noted in the book of Hebrews that to day is the day of salvation. The Bible is clear that it is a foolish thing to delay the important matter of salvation. Luke 16 tells us that the rich man understood the importance of salvation after he was in torment. He was not saved but at death he understood the need of salvation. He wanted someone to go back and tell his brothers not to end up where he was. What a tragedy to discover too late the importance of God’s truth and to have all eternity to regret not acting on that at the right time. There is no escaping hell. There is no escaping the lake of fire. Anyone reading this that is not saved, needs to think very soberly about the foolishness of their current choice.
In verse 12 we see that it was not the wise virgins who controlled the door. It was not the bride who controlled the door. It was the bridegroom who controlled the door. He is now called Lord. This is His house and He does not open the door to just anyone. The door to the wedding feast is restricted to those who have turned to God in repentance and been saved through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In verse 13 Jesus once again gave the warning of watchfulness. The application can be made to any generation. The Bible gives many warnings to the need to be ready. In the immediate context, only those Jews who are saved during the time of the Tribulation will be ready for the Lord’s return at the end of the Tribulation. They are the only ones who will enter the Millennium.