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"HERE I AM" - - Isa 65:1-8
MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2022
Posted by: Sovereign Grace African Fellowship | more..
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“I revealed Myself to those who did not ask for Me;

I was found by those who did not seek Me.

To a nation that did not call My name,

I said, ‘Here I am! Here I am!’”

God is gracious, and He saves sinners. Salvation is of the Lord.

Israel rejected her Maker, but He brought salvation to others [Rom 11:11-12]. The Jews received reviving from Babylon, but this text points to the great revival among the Gentiles, as the gospel was preached to us, and we gobbled it up as sinners without hope [Rom 9:30].

Oh, the greatness of God. He turns from one who hates Him to provoke him unto love by His mercy unto another! Rom 11:11, “I say then, have they stumbled that they should fall? Certainly not! But through their trespass, to provoke them to jealousy, salvation has come to the Gentiles.” This is His wisdom and goodness! How unfathomable are His ways.

He stretches out His hand of mercy, and He’ll receive you, though you are far off! Take it. Take!

“All day long I have held out My hands

to an obstinate people

who walk in the wrong path,

who follow their own imaginations,

to a people who continually provoke Me to My face,

sacrificing in the gardens

and burning incense on altars of brick,

sitting among the graves,

spending nights in secret places,

eating the meat of pigs

and polluted broth from their bowls.” Isa 65:2-4

Secondly, Israel’s religion was sacrilegious. They didn’t practice the mercy of God.

“They say, ‘Keep to yourself;

do not come near me, for I am holier than you!’

Such people are smoke in My nostrils,

a fire that burns all day long.” vs5

This is an abomination, a stench in God’s holy nose, and a fire of continual agitation! He hates self-righteous false religion. The only thing He may hate more is licentiousness in the name of Christ and sinning that grace might abound, which are the deeds of the Nicolaitans and the teachings of Balaam [Rev 2:14-15]. Yet, He hates proud hatefulness with a passion.

It is the religion of the Pharisee. We read,

“The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, ‘God, I thank You that I am not like other men—extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this tax collector.” --Luke 18:11

He looked down his holier than thou nose and despised others. He did not have any true compassion. He didn’t know the forgiveness of sins. He knew nothing of love and mercy [Micah 6:8]. All he knew, so he thought, was he was BETTER THAN SOMEONE ELSE, and it caused him to be hateful [Luke 18:9].

Woe unto us, if we think that the transvestite is worthy of our hate. If we think the racist is unredeemable! No sir. We must believe the truth with love as the fruit. We must be people who gently, patiently, and lovingly warn others of impending danger. We must call men to repent with tones of love, because God saved us out of sin, and He has commanded us to love. Truth without love is an abomination of self-righteous, egocentric, false religion that looks down on others, mocks them, and offends God. Let us be far from it in holiness and true humility.

“Behold, it is written before Me:

I will not keep silent, but I will repay;

I will pay it back into their laps,

both for your iniquities

and for those of your fathers,”

says the LORD.

“Because they burned incense on the mountains

and scorned Me on the hills,

I will measure into their laps

full payment for their former deeds.” vs6-7

Thirdly, God is going to make these sinners pay. They have no refuge in false religion, and He is coming to do them harm. They will suffer the wrath of perdition, if they turn not, and they will see what sin really is - that it was all of their self-centered worship, all of their sacrificing unto themselves, and all of their despising God’s mercy. He’ll pour the fury of destruction upon them forever. Self-righteous religion will be punished.

Oh, what manner of persons ought we be in true godliness; it is not enough to hate people, to point out their wrongs, and to laugh at their errors.

Let self-righteous indignation go, and let it be replaced with love, tears, and compassion! Do you hate homosexuality? Then go preach to them. Does abortion disturb you? Then legislate and share Christ to God-hating sinners. Brothers, we must act in love, or we’ll be punished as hypocrites. The sins of this world are not for our mockery but for bringing others to repentance.

“This is what the LORD says:

“As the new wine is found in a cluster of grapes,

and men say, ‘Do not destroy it, for it contains a blessing,’

so I will act on behalf of My servants;

I will not destroy them all.” vs8

Finally, God will have mercy! The Jews deserved destruction, but He saved a remnant by grace. Our churches deserve to be burned in hell, but He’ll pluck a people out. The gospel will come with power, and sinners will be saved, because God is compassionate and won’t obliterate us! Praise His holy name. He finds Noah and shows Him grace [Gen 6:8]. He calls Abraham out from idolatry. He seeks you and me, and we are sought out, found, and saved. It is His glory to display His mercy amidst the backdrop of His wrath. It is His loving diamond sparkling against the darkness of hell; it is grace inconceivable that WE’VE OBTAINED MERCY and are saved! We were as evil as others, but like Paul, grace came to us with faith and love [1 Tim 1:14]. He showed us to be examples of His longsuffering.

Brothers, let us enter the wonders of grace and proclaim it, so that others can be saved. They have been marked out, and they will be spared. Go confidently!

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