The Grace of God that Brings Salvation
“The Grace of God that bringeth salvation,
hath appeared to all men.”
(Titus 2:11)
There are three key elements found in this Scripture text about the Grace of God.
First, it is the Grace OF God. That means that True Grace originates with God and is from Him toward sinners of His choosing. It is not merely made available to man if man will just exercise his will to procure it but OF God. Men are in their nature rebellious, born into this world at enmity with God and His Son. Their best affections are anti-Christ. This is why the Grace must be OF God, according to His will and purpose to save those that He has chosen out of fallen humanity. What a manifestation this is of God’s love that He would purpose to save sinners by pure, eternal, unconditional, unmerited grace. The Gospel of God’s Grace is the only message of hope for lost sinners. The Grace is OF God, lest any sinner should presume and OF God, lest any sinner should despair.
Second, it is the Grace of God that brings salvation, not just provides it. Here is the direct connection between God’s Grace and salvation. The Grace of God truly saves the sinners who are the objects of that Grace. Had God purposed to be gracious to every single sinner, then everyone would be saved. He is certainly merciful toward all His creatures, causing His sun to shine and rain to fall on the just and the unjust but His Grace is only upon those that He has chosen from eternity and for whom Christ died. This salvation is brought to us. When brought to us and revealed in us, we rejoice and give God all the glory for it!
Third, it is the Grace of God that has appeared. Where? When? How? and in Whom? is this Grace of God revealed? It is uniquely given in God’s Son, manifest in the flesh. When Christ appeared in the flesh, He was manifest to all men ethnically, Jews and Gentiles. It does not mean that He revealed Himself in every single person but rather was revealed to all without distinction or respect of persons. Those who are beneficiaries of His Grace receive Him willingly, by His Spirit of Grace, they own Him as all of their salvation, redemption, justification, sanctification and glorification. Do you believe the Gospel? If so, then, that is the Grace of God revealed in you. Because of God’s eternal electing Grace, through His redeeming Grace in the death of the LORD Jesus and by the Spirit of Grace, you will oppose mixing any work or duty of your own and will rest in Christ alone Who finished the work and not be entangled again under the bondage of works of this flesh.
Ken Wimer