In 2010 I published a book titled Evil Rising. In it, I traced the advance of evil through the ages somewhat and highlighted the problem of radical Islam, Satanic soldiers, black awakening, aliens and the way evil is using these things to create increasing chaos in society. It wasn't a "fun" book to write, but hopefully, informative.
The problem with writing a book of that nature is that it cannot cover everything since there is simply so much evil that prevails throughout global society, whether it's from the past, the present, or leading us into the future. Evil abounds and there is really nothing we can do against it as a whole since it is allowed by God to proliferate. This world is on a collision course with God's judgment, according to Scripture. Nothing will change that. The best we can do is help pull some from the fire.
To attempt to catalog all the many forms of evil that pervade global society is difficult at best. Hence the need for updates like this article and potential future parts to this series.
All of the evil occurring throughout the world, which globalists use to impose increasing fascism and tyranny globally is growing exponentially and that will continue. Unsurprisingly, many on the Left are in full support, while at least some on the conservative side of things also seem to be going along with at least some of it, whether knowingly or not. There is a great deal in society that is being framed in a way that seeks to make evil more palatable, more mainstream. This is exactly how Satan has operated and continues to operate. He has done so since the Garden of Eden where he called God a liar, putting a Leftist spin on God's Words so that both Eve and Adam came to believe following Satan was better. Why would not the Left use the same method to change society? Think of all the definitions the Left has changed through lies. Lies work.
My wife and I have been watching the miniseries, The West produced by Ken Burns. It is a 1996 documentary film about the American Old West originally divided into 8 parts on PBS. Because I'm a student of history, I've always enjoyed learning as much as I can about it. If what Burns presents is 100% true and not slanted in any way, it's very troubling, but makes sense. It's troubling because when America expanded West, the level of racism, bigotry, cowardice and crime expanded with it. It makes sense because it simply confirms that people are people, regardless of in what age they live. Thieves, cattle rustlers, bank robbers, corrupt government officials and more - it's all there in America's past and it remains with us today as well. No amount of gun control or new laws will put a dent in it. Of course, we know that Leftists want guns to be able to gain more control of society, not because they are alarmed at crime (the lie).
As pioneer settlers moved westward, they were drawn...