PURITAN HARD DRIVE SUPER SALE (The PHD contains hundreds of books, MP3s and videos on classic Reformation eschatology and the restoration of the Jews).The Restoration of the Jews (Israel) In Reformed Eschatology (Free MP3s, Videos, etc.) + QUOTES ON THE RESTORATION OF THE JEWS BY JONATHAN EDWARDS , C.H. SPURGEON, SAMUEL RUTHERFORD, WILLIAM PERKINS, GREG PRICE , CHARLES HODGE , IAIN MURRAY (The Puritan Hope) , JOHN MURRAY, THE GENEVA BIBLE, THE WESTMINSTER LARGER CATECHISM.
+ Jonathan Edwards writes ,
"Nothing is more certainly foretold than this national conversion of the Jews in Romans 11." - Jonathan Edwards, The History of Redemption in The Works of Jonathan Edwards , vol. 1, Banner of Truth Trust, reprint , 1976, 607.
+ Charles H. Spurgeon writes:
"I think we do not attach sufficient importance to the restoration of the Jews. We do not think enough of it. But certainly, if there is anything promised in the Bible it is this ." From first volume of Sermons , 1855, as cited in Iain Murray, The Puritan Hope , p. 256. "The day shall yet come when the Jews, who were the first apostles to the Gentiles, the first missionaries to us who were afar off, shall be gathered in again. . . . Matchless benefits to the world are bound up with the restoration of Israel; their gathering in shall be as life from the dead ."
- Cited in Murray, The Puritan Hope , p. 256.
+ William Perkins
"The Lord saith, All the nations shall be blessed in Abraham: Hence I gather that the nation of the Jews shall be called, and converted to the participation of this blessing : when, and how, God knows: but that it shall be done before the end of the world we know." Quote taken from Iain H. Murray, The Puritan Hope , p. 42.
+ Samuel Rutherford
"O to see the sight, next to Christ's coming in the clouds, the most joyful! Our elder brethren the Jews and Christ fall upon one another; they will be kind to one another when they meet. O day! O longed for and lovely day-dawn! O sweet Jesus, let me see that sight which will be as life from the dead, thee and thy ancient people in mutual embraces." - Samuel Rutherford , Letters , 1635.
+ Charles Hodge
"The second great event, which, according to the common faith or the Church, is to precede the second advent of Christ, is the national conversion of the Jews. . . . That there is to be such a national conversion may be argued. . . from the original call and destination of that people.
As the rejection of the Jews was not total, so neither is it final. First, God did not design to cast away his people entirely, but by their rejection, in the first place, to facilitate the progress of the gospel among the Gentiles. and ultimately to make the conversion of the Gentiles the means of converting the Jews. . . . Because if the rejection of the Jews has been a source of blessing, much more will their restoration be the means of good. . . .The restoration of the Jews to the privileges of God's people is included in the ancient predictions and promises made respecting them...
"The future restoration of the Jews is, in itself, a more probable event than the introduction of the Gentiles into the church of God ."
- Charles Hodge , Systematic Theology , vol. 3, James Clark & Co. 1960, p. 805; A Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans , Presb. Board of Pub., 1836, pp. 270-285 passim. Now Published by Banner of Truth Trust.
+ Dutch Theologians of the 17th Century
J. Van Den Berg points out that many Dutch Reformed theologians of the seventeenth century believed in a future salvation of the Jews or restoration of the Jewish nation : ". . . for virtually all Dutch theologians of the seventeenth century, 'the whole of Israel' indicated the fullness of the people of Israel 'according to the flesh': in other words, the fullness of the Jewish people. This meant that there was a basis for an expectation of a future conversion of the Jews-an expectation which was shared by a large majority of Dutch theologians ." J. Van Den Berg, "Eschatological Expectations Concerning the Conversion of the Jews in the Netherlands During the Seventeenth Century," Puritan Eschatology: 1600 To 1660 , ed. Peter Toon, p. 140.
- Also see the marginal notes to the Geneva Bible at Romans 11:15, 26 & the Westminster Larger Catechism , Question 191.
Israel Turns To Christ (1/2) The Restoration of the Jews by Greg Price (Micah Series) + FREE MP3:http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?sermonid=92301225039
- MURRAY, IAIN H. The Puritan Hope: Revival and the Interpretation of Prophecy One of the most thoroughly documented historical books on eschatology and its connection to revival and missions.
Contains much related to the restoration of the Jews from the Puritan perspective.
So much so that in this book Iain Murray writes,
"From the first quarter of the seventeenth century, belief in a future conversion of the Jews became commonplace among the English Puritans " (p, 42).
This is a powerfully encouraging study of the biblical and Reformed teaching on the Christian's hope in this world and in the prospect of the triumph of the gospel.
This book shows how the optimistic eschatology of Scripture made the Puritans of old, mighty men of valour in battling for the kingdom and glory of God.
This is a book that is hard to put down.
Published by Banner of Truth .
(Softcover) $14.96 (Canadian funds) [$5 off!] Part of Iain Murray's classic, The Puritan Hope , is free online at:Chapter 1. Revival Christianity: England Chapter 2. Revival Christianity: Scotland Chapter 3. Unfulfilled Prophecy: The Development Of The Hope Chapter 4. Apostolic Testimony: The Basis Of The Hope
Still Waters Revival Books Discount Puritan and Reformed Christian book distributors serving Christians worldwide (in over 100 countries) for 28+ years.
Prophecy, Antichrist, and Eschatology Free Puritan Books and MP3s
PURITAN HARD DRIVE SUPER SALE (The PHD contains hundreds of books, MP3s and videos on classic Reformation eschatology and the restoration of the Jews).
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