“There is an education of great value, which results from the contact of life with life. Students often get more from each other and from their personal relations with their teachers — than they get from books. It is so in all association. ‘Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpened the countenance of his friend.’ (Prov 27:17) Thus people are means of grace to us. Some think that in order to be holy — one must flee away from the world, even from friends — and live alone! But this is a totally mistaken concept of godly living. We grow best among people. Even the keen, sharp contacts which bruise and hurt — have their part in making godly men of us. There are lessons we never could learn — but in the midst of people, tied up in human fellowships. We could not learn patience — if we had not calls for exercising patience in our daily associations. … Some of us could never have been cured of our insane self-conceit, if we had not been hurled into the dust and trampled upon. We could never become sympathetic, kindly, gentle — if there were nothing in our associations to call out and exercise these qualities in us.” ~J. Miller