Russell Lee | Trinity, Texas
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"You must be born again!" John 3:7 The imperativeness of the new birth is evident from the fact that man is a fallen creature. Originally he was made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26), fitted to enjoy fellowship with Him. But upon his apostasy, he . . . was alienated from his Maker, became unsuited unto the Holy One, and fled from Him. The natural man is . . . totally depraved, a slave of Satan, dead in sin, and, therefore, it is no marvel that he needs to be born again. He is devoid of . . . any love to God, any delight in Him, any relish for heavenly things, any ability to perform spiritual acts. A miracle of grace , then, must be wrought upon him before he is qualified to enter the Father's house. Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people--for those who have been made "fit to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light" (Colossians 1:12), for without holiness no man shall see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14). An unregenerated person would be entirely out of harmony with the ineffable purity of the celestial courts, and could no more enjoy their company and activities, than could a deaf man enjoy an oratorio, or a blind man enjoy the beauties of an exquisite sunset. A spiritual kingdom requires a spiritual nature, and in order to the acquisition of that, the natural man must be regenerated--divinely regenerated, for the creature can no more quicken himself than he could give himself a natural being. Regeneration is no . . . mere outward reformation, process of education, or even religious cultivation. No, it consists of a radical change of heart and transformation of character --the communication of a gracious and holy principle , producing new desires, new capacities, and a new life. Then, do not marvel that in order thereto, a man must be born from above. - A.W. Pink
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