If there is any doubt as to what God thinks about disobedience, then Solomon makes it clear that God intends to remove the wicked from the land. This theme is consistently presented throughout the Bible. Moses, for example, reminded the children of Israel that if they disobeyed God, the land would vomit them out (see Leviticus 18:24-30). A wicked culture comprised of wicked individuals will not enjoy the labor of their hands. They will not ultimately dwell safely in the land; but rather, they will be uprooted from the land.
Are we beginning to see how the righteous take dominion for the glory of God? We take all of God's wisdom and apply it. We trust that God is infinitely more wise than man. Therefore, we forego trusting man's wisdom and learn to trust godly wisdom. Dominion is not gained through military force (that is wrestling flesh and blood), but rather we subdue and occupy the land by taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (II Corinthians 10). Never forget that wisdom begins with the fear of God. Refuse to envy the wicked, because their end is one of destruction. And God will purge the land of the wicked through either conversion or judgment, but never doubt He will accomplish His will.
May this text be a warning to all who take pleasure in practicing wickedness.