currently vacant | Hudsonville, Michigan
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"Meditation is the activity of calling to mind, and thinking over, and dwelling on, and applying to oneself, the various things that one knows about the works and ways and purposes and promises of God. It is an activity of holy thought, consciously performed in the presence of God, under the eye of God, by the help of God, as a means of communion with God. The healthy Christian is not necessarily the extrovert, ebullient Christian, but the Christian who has a sense of God’s presence stamped deep on his soul, who trembles at God’s word, who lets it dwell in him richly by constant meditation upon it, and who tests and reforms his life daily in response to it. And as Christians we also know, there is no moment when God’s eye is off me, or His attention distracted from me, and no moment, therefore, when His care falters." ~J.I. Packer
Our Blog
-- recent blog posts -- 11/17/2024 - Scripture is the Rule of Life 08/27/2024 - Our Covenant God 05/07/2024 - Please join us! 04/21/2024 - The confession of the church 03/30/2024 - He is Risen! 02/21/2024 - The church must witness that God is the... 01/07/2024 - Let the church proclaim 12/17/2023 - Christmas Morning 11/26/2023 - Let the church proclaim 10/22/2023 - Thanks for the gift of weekly manna 09/25/2023 - The church as witness 08/28/2023 - God’s revelation in Christ Jesus to the... 07/24/2023 - Summer Teaching Series 06/23/2023 - God’s revelation and testimony to the... 05/14/2023 - Ascension Thoughts 04/08/2023 - He Arose!! 04/03/2023 - It is finished! 03/06/2023 - The calling of the church 02/11/2023 - The task of the church 12/25/2022 - The Dayspring from on High 12/21/2022 - Son of the Highest 12/18/2022 - The Wonder of Grace 12/15/2022 - His Name is The Lord our Righteousness! 11/16/2022 - One Goal, One Prize 10/23/2022 - Certain knowledge, Hearty confidence 09/19/2022 - Our Mother, the Church 08/07/2022 - More about the Church from Calvin's... 07/03/2022 - Forgiveness 05/26/2022 - Calvin on the Church 04/10/2022 - Symbolism of Red 02/28/2022 - Communion of the Saints 01/02/2022 - The Life of Christ in Me 11/11/2021 - A Great Purpose of the Communion of the... 09/27/2021 - Election, the firm foundation of God 08/30/2021 - Back to School Message for Godly Parents 05/30/2021 - Meditation is ... 05/09/2021 - Ascension Day 04/03/2021 - He Arose! 03/22/2021 - The Gospel Joy of ‘Good Friday’ 01/23/2021 - The lovingkindness of my God is more... 01/06/2021 - The Year of our Lord 2021 10/27/2020 - Our Pastor takes a call 05/22/2020 - Prayer 03/29/2020 - Knowing God 07/01/19 - Growth in Grace 07/02/18 - Pulpit Supply Sermons 05/14/18 - Prayers 05/08/18 - Ascension Day 02/05/18 - Sermon uploads 01/15/18 - Office Bearer's Conference 01/01/18 - 2018 12/18/17 - Year in review 11/13/17 - Form due soon 10/30/17 - 500th Reformation Celebration 08/28/17 - Society Season 06/26/17 - Summertime 06/11/17 - Synod 06/04/17 - Summer 05/28/17 - Schools and graduates 05/22/17 - Ascension Day Reminder 07/18/16 - Communion of the Saints 06/13/16 - Quote 09/08/15 - Series Completed 07/20/15 - Sermons by Professors 05/18/15 - Hope 05/11/15 - Reminder 02/23/15 - Series on Isaiah 6 12/28/14 - Upcoming Conference 12/08/14 - Christmas Morning 09/22/14 - New Series: 'Older Taped Treasures' 07/07/14 - "Heaven is Real" ... not the book but... 06/23/14 - Quotable Quotes 05/25/14 - The Coming of the Kingdom:...