Taking Dominion Through Wisdom - Day 11 Proverbs 1:10 - Avoid Foolish Consent
We have mentioned that the book of Proverbs is like medicine. It comes to us in small, but concentrated, doses. We should think of the Proverbs as a moral medicine that we need to take in daily. As we reflect upon the teachings of Proverbs, it will have its full impact on our lives.
What does Dr. Solomon prescribe for us today? Dr. Solomon teaches us that only the fool consents with evil. This is key if we desire to walk in godliness. And if we desire our children to walk in godliness, we must instruct them (and live out by example) this principle. They need to understand that only the fool consents with evil. This means they need discernment concerning who they associate with. This section of Proverbs teaches us the danger of collaborating with sinners. Sinners (in this context) are those who practice sin without repentance or godly sorrow.
Solomon is warning his children to avoid those who openly entice you to sin. This is not an option for the person who desires to grow in wisdom. When it comes to instructing our children, we need to understand the tactics of the wicked. When our children resist the enticement of the sinner, the sinner doesn't just leave. The sinner will say things like - you are out of touch, everyone is doing it. Or you will hear things like - your morality makes others uncomfortable, you think you are better than me. Or you will hear things like - you are going to miss out on all the fun.
How do we teach our children to resist the enticements of the wicked? You show them the end of the wicked. The Proverbs will show the result of practicing wickedness both temporally and ultimately. If we want our children to miss out on the misery and despair of the wicked, then we must instruct them in wisdom. If our children want to see true blessings and joy, then teach them to pursue God with all their hearts and avoid consenting with the fool. Our Proverb today clearly teaches us not to consent with sinners. If we desire wisdom, then it is not an option.
Should we abandon the wicked to their own demise? No. Remember, either a person is an ally in the gospel or the object of the gospel. When confronted with a sinner, they are not to entice us, but they should hear the call to repentance.
May God grant us the grace to apply wisdom to our soul today