When we come to the book of Proverbs, we cannot read it like a novel. The Proverbs do not serve the same function as the other books of the Bible. As a result, if you try to read through the Proverbs in large portions, it is easy to become frustrated or discouraged, because they will not make sense to you. It was the ancient practice of many cultures to accumulate wise sayings as a demonstration of their wisdom. We have the same thing with the book of Proverbs - they are an accumulation of godly wisdom, which is always superior to man's wisdom.
The Proverbs are pithy sayings that give us insight into how we should live life. We do this in our society. For example, we say - Look before you leap. The Proverbs are typically one or two liners to convey wisdom in order to teach us how to practically live life.
The Proverbs are a Light to the Nations
We need to remember, the Proverbs were given not only to guide my individual life, but also to guide cultures. The Proverbs will give insights to financial matters, relationships, laziness, dishonesty, integrity, borrowing, anger, patience, business ethics, etc...Within the book of Proverbs we have timeless and infinitely wise applications for the affairs of life.
Additionally, wisdom literature was intended to be put on display for neighboring countries or tribes to see (see Deuteronomy 4:6-8). The point here is that wisdom was designed to be shared with others. The nations that surrounded Israel were to hear the Wisdom of God and see it applied. The purpose of doing this was to let the nations stand in awe of such wisdom. The application of God's perfect, holy, and all-wise law should have been something to behold by the neighboring nations. The law of God laid down a foundation of wisdom for the nations to see. And in the days of Solomon, the neighboring nations did take notice of the wisdom found in Israel, and they paid homage to a nation to whom Jehovah was their God. As Solomon interacted with these foreign nations, he was able to share with them the wisdom of God.
I think we can agree, our culture is not currently looking at the Church standing in awe. Therefore, we need to come back to the very foundation of wisdom, which is found in Christ Jesus, God's Law, and the Proverbs that teach us how to practically apply God's law and emulate the example of Jesus Christ. Then and only then will the nations take notice. We need the Proverbs for our individual walk, but the nations need to see the light of Christ's wisdom found within us. This is how we have an impact on our culture.