" A ship's all right in the sea, so long as the sea is not in the ship." A Christian is all right in the world, so long as the world-spirit is not in the Christian. ~ Unknown
Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. ( KJV)
We are choosing a false way when we admit the world to govern and fashion our minds according to its pleasure, when we submit to receive its image and superscription. That image and superscription will vary in each new age, in each new locality; it is the very nature of the world to be continually changing. That is the reason why it is so ignominious a thing for a man to be conformed to it; he must become merely a creature of to- day; he must be fluctuating, capricious, insincere — a leaf carried about by every gale, floating down every current. How is it possible that such a one can know anything of the will of God, which is fixed and eternal? What signifies it that you give to such a one the Bible and persuade him it is a Divine book? You may persuade him of that as easily as of anything else; if it is the current opinion of course he receives it until the fashion alters, and then he will scoff at it. But while he embraces it what does he gather from it? Just what his worldly spirit wishes to gather and no more. ~ (F. D. Maurice, M.A.)
Living for the world that is coming ( Eph 1:21 KJV), will give us the proper mindset for the world we live in currently.