We extend a warm welcome to worship with us on the evening of Apr. 2 at 7 pm for our Good Friday service. Masks are optional and social distanced seating is available, song books and Bibles are provided.
“The veil of the temple was rent from top to bottom. Why is this added to the holy record? Undoubtedly it points to the fact that all this cross and dying, all this redemption and glory, is a work of the triune God. He will not give his praises to another. The veil is rent. Oh yes, God reached down into the temple, and with his own hands ripped the veil in twain! There is gospel joy in that act. The Holy of Holies had been shut to all men because of their evil, filth, corruption and guilt. And this is the gospel: a man was found that would open the door that led to the Holy of Holies, the Home of God. And that man was Jesus. To the church of Jesus Christ, this act of God is gospel joy. The door is open! Through the death of Jesus, a new and living way is opened to the heart of God. We will come, we do come, to Thee, for Thou art our God in this dying Christ!”
~excerpt from ‘Unspeakable Gift’ by the late Rev. Vos.
This beautifully poetic book is available at the Reformed Book Outlet in Hudsonville in the strip mall next to Keegstra's and online.