Precious little is told us about life after the Millennium. I have never worried about that. Why should I need to know about something that cannot happen for at least one thousand years plus? Jesus will teach His people over those centuries exactly what to expect.
I have hesitantly believed that the last two chapters of Revelation are about this eternal state. Some might see this as a close-up view of the Millennium, although the statement is made that there is no death at that time, whereas death does still occur in the Millennium.
In 2012, in my work called The Kingdom Handbook, I wrote these words:
Very little is recorded for us regarding the period after the reign of Christ. We have already seen that God will receive this beautiful product called the kingdom at the hands of His Son and His Son’s bride. The earth will flee away along with the old heavens (Revelation 20:11). There will be no place for them. Then comes the final judgment of all earthlings except those who were raised 1000 years before and have already been reigning. This [final judgment] would include all the unsaved dead of all time, including the last thousand years, plus the Gentiles still living on earth who have not accepted Christ’s terms, and have once more yielded to the wiles of the Devil as he is released. Satan and all his followers are cast into a lake of fire. Is that lake on the old earth? Does it stay there? Is the earth then cast adrift? Would this explain the term outer darkness, used by Jesus several times, and the “blackness of darkness” used by Jude? However, it seems that this lake is visible, even in the new world, according to Isaiah 66 and Revelation 21-22. We’ll have to wait and see on this one.
When the planet goes and the judgment is passed, all God’s people are in Heaven, and soon descend from that heavenly state to a totally new planet that has no sea, no divisions of persons. This is what John sees in Revelation 21, the final status of the City. It is my belief that [by then] the city has been lived in for a thousand years, but is now making a new appearance for the new earth.
Revelation 20 gives us a few more clues about “after” the 1000 years (and how is it that there are those among us who deny this period of time to the church and the world? Why would God make up stories about our future?)
When Christ comes, the devil will be bound one thousand years. His influence in the minds of men will not be fully gone, even with Christ ruling the world. But he himself will not tempt any longer.
After that thousand years we see him reassembling those who are “never-Jesus” people, and attempting a coup. He has a huge assemblage, remarkable when you think of it, “the number of them is like the sand of the seashore (Revelation 20:8).”
There is nothing more than an approach of this vast army. No struggle. And then a dissolution of it. By fire. Now the devil is gone forever.
There follows the great judgment on the wicked. Then eternity begins in the next chapter.
Now perhaps it will be good for you to read Revelation 21 and 22 for yourself.
Other than chapter 20, I know of no other passage that tells of the reset that follows the Millennium. Old earth gone. The skies around us, gone. The sea, gone. All new. God Himself living with us. Death and pain, gone. All sin and sinners, gone.
An enormous city for the people of God in the middle of everything. God and the Lamb are a Temple in the middle of that city. No sun. No moon. No night.
Strangest of all, to me, the world is still divided into “nations” in that day! Nations of the godly. They bring their glory into the city.
A river. The tree of life. Leaves to heal the nations. No more curse.
I want to take a deep breath and tell you that this is the final reset. But I can’t. The Bible doesn’t tell us that. Eternity is long. What adventures await the people of God in Revelation 23? We know nothing! Our future is glorious beyond measure.