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J. D. Hatfield | Hernando, Florida
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Riverside Christian Fellowship
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What We Need Now
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1 Thessalonians 3:12-13 – and may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, as we do for you, so that he may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his saints.

One of the questions everyone is asking these days is, “What are we going to do now?” For the Christian community, the question is, “What does God want us to do now?” And we need to be asking, “How are we going to be able to do what God wants us to do right now?” In these times of increasing uncertainty and constant change, we need God to give us a prayer, a desire, a vision, and a goal. And this text gives us those very things.

The Thessalonian Christians were suffering much affliction, but they were shining forth as an example (1:6-7). They were being persecuted for their faith, but they believed the word of God as Paul had been delivering it to them (2:12-13). Paul knew they were doing well, and it was encouraging to him personally (3:6-7). Still, they had a need, to be met in specific ways, and for a specific purpose. Even those who are doing well can use an increase so they might abound in love for each other, for the lost, and in practical demonstrations. This is how we fulfill our holy call.

This is a prayer (and may the Lord make you). This is dependence on Jesus, this prayer is for the church, and for individuals. These days, it can be easy to focus on yourself, your immediate family, and avoid any real community. These days, people and churches are finding it harder to survive, let alone thrive. We need to increase and abound in love during times like these if we want to adapt to our changing culture, to find new ways to stay connected, and to be able to reach people. And we cannot depend on ourselves, to make ourselves increase and abound in love by our own power. We have to pray that Jesus would make this happen. It may involve the use of new technology, or new methods and plans and programs, but it doesn’t start or end there. It must start in prayer, in must start with Jesus, it must be with the goal of God. It doesn’t matter how big we may build the house, if the Lord doesn’t build the house, we labor in vain.

This prayer states a desire (increase and abound in love). No matter whatever else is going on, whatever limitations we may face, this is what we really need and ought to want. If we don’t see an increase, we won’t even be thinking about looking for new ways, we won’t want to find new avenues, we won’t consider new methods. We will just act like this is all there is, this is just the way things are. This isn’t simply about me and my crew, this is about what God wants us to do. God wants us to pray that we would increase and abound in love for one another and for all. And then we will have the willingness to do what it takes to reach out and connect, or to stay connected, or to make new connections. Love will find a way because love will do what it takes, it won’t give up, it will keep pushing forward, it will never stay down, and it will help others up.

This prayer presents a vision (for one another and for all, as we do for you). This increase, this abundance, this love is not theoretical, it is very practical. This vision is for an active church who is actively pursuing everybody. It includes your family, your church, your friends, your loved ones, the people you meet, and the people who are lost. Paul uses himself as an example of abounding love for people. He was living for Christ, winning others to Christ, and edifying his brothers and sisters in Christ. It’s too easy to give up, or to step back, thinking we are already doing all we can. Now, we might be doing all we know, and all that anyone else may be doing, but God can show us new things, and help us to find new ways. And we can always pray for Jesus to increase our love for each other and all others, so that we would establish ourselves in holiness.

This prayer has a goal (so that he may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father). Without an abounding love for the church and an increasing love for the lost, we are not meeting God’s goal. This is a vital part of holiness. Instead of using this pandemic as an excuse to draw back, we need to see it as an opportunity to move forward, to reach out to God that we might reach out to others.

Now I don’t want to make anyone feel unnecessarily guilty. It may be the right thing for you to stay sheltered, but the Lord can help us to reach out to you, and he can help you to reach out to others. Let’s take advantage of social media, texting, zoom meetings, and whatever we can to reach out, and connect. And let’s have faith that God wants us to advance and expand his church when most everyone else is drawing back and hunkering down. Let’s share the hope of Jesus Christ.

As Hebrews 10:23-25 says, “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Each day is one day closer to the return of Jesus Christ. Let’s live for today by having an eye for tomorrow.

This prayer has the endgame in view (at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his saints). Wouldn’t it be just like God to help the Christian community with a wonderful move of the Spirit, that we would stay closer, evangelize more, and support each other better? It is just like Jesus. The church of Jesus Christ is meant to be flourishing when all else is failing. The gates of hell cannot prevail when the praying, loving, increasing and abounding church, established in holiness, advances the kingdom of God as it waits for the return of Jesus Christ.

Instead of focusing on what we can’t do, let’s focus on what God can do. Do you think that God never had this pandemic in mind? That he isn’t in complete control? That the devil has outthought God? That this virus is the way that the Satan can keep God’s people from being connected to one another, that the forces of evil can keep God’s kingdom from advancing and expanding, that anyone or anything can keep us from telling other people about Jesus, and loving one another? Not if God has anything to say about it, and he does! But if we are going to keep our hands to the gospel plow, if we are going to adapt, to develop, to advance, to expand, to flourish when the world tries to make us flounder, if we are going to do all that, then we need God to do all this.

I’m praying for an increase in my love, and our love, and I know that God can do above and beyond all we ask or think. So, let’s pray, let’s ask, let’s think, and let’s watch God do great and mighty things, to his glory. Now is not the time for fear, now is the time for faith. Now is not the time to draw back, now is the time to draw near. Now is not the time to take it easy, now is the time to take it to God! Lord, make us increase and abound in love for one another and for all, and establish our hearts blameless in holiness as we await your return.

That’s what we need right now.

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