I hope you were as blessed on Sunday (10-11-2020) as I was! Re-reading Acts 1-7 and being reminded of the wonderful events that accompanied the outpouring of the Holy Spirit was very encouraging. To be reminded of the wonderful news that God was fulfilling His promises to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, not just Jews...but Gentiles too, was such a blessing.
Then, for those who were able to stay for the Adult Sunday School / Worship in Study / Bible Class, we continued the study which Craig began for us last week by looking at two of four key questions Peter answers in Chapter One.
What is the a priori (beginning assumptions) of the one who trusts in Christ for his/her salvation? 1:1-5
What are some of the purposes of suffering? 1:6-9
What is "this salvation" that Peter keeps mentioning? 1:10-12
What is Peter asking the believers to do? 1:13-2:3
We were only able to cover #'s 1 and 2 last Sunday. I'd like to encourage you to spend some time reading chapter one with these questions in mind. Our Lord has given us "His great and precious promises" (2 Peter 1:3-4) so that we might be strengthened in our faith in the One in whom we have believed. It is His great love and power that keeps us when we have not the faith to endure. Keeping our eyes upon Him, who is the Keeper of All His Word, can sustain us as we endure painful trials. Enduring these trials helps to affirm to us that our faith has been placed in the Righteous One and that it is true. This faith is more precious than gold...because even gold will ultimately perish, but our faith in Him will "be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelations of Jesus Christ" (1:7) for which the whole of creation is groaning as it anxiously awaits that day (Romans 8).
I am so grateful for the "encouragement of the Scriptures" (Romans 15:4) which are able to make us "wise unto salvation" (2 Timothy 3:15) and to build up in us "the mind of Christ" as we allow them/it (the Scriptures) to "dwell...richly" in us (Colossians 3:16-17).