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Wayne Boyd | Almont, Michigan
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First Baptist Church
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Bulletin for October 11th, 2020 - FBC Almont
Posted by: First Baptist Church | more..
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We Preach Christ and Him Crucified - 1 Corinthians 1:23

Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks, unto thee do we give thanks: for that thy name is near thy wondrous works declare. Psalm 75:1

Wisdom from the Proverbs:

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil. Proverbs 3:5-7

Various Authors on Divine Providence

1) To suppose that temporal things are too little for our condescending God, is to forget that He observes the flight of sparrows, and counts the hairs of His people's heads. Besides, everything is so little to Him, that, if He does not care for the little, He cares for nothing.

2) With God there are no contingencies. The mighty Charioteer of Providence has gathered up all the reins of all the horses, and He guides them all according to His infallible wisdom. There is a predestination which concerns all things, from the motion of a grain of dust on the threshing-floor, to that of the flaming comet which blazes athwart the sky. Nothing can happen but what God ordains; and therefore, why should we fear?

3) There is as much divine providence in the creeping of an aphid (a small winged insect) upon a rose leaf, as in the marching of an army to ravage a continent.

4) Believer, if your lot in life is a lowly one, you should be satisfied with your earthly portion; for you may rest assured that it is the fittest for you. Unerring wisdom ordained your lot, and selected for you the safest and best condition!

5) Blessed is the man who sees God in all the trifles (a thing of little value or importance) of his life!

6) The calamities of earthquake, the devastations of storm, the ravages of war, and all the terrible catastrophes of plague, have only been co-workers with God—slaves compelled to tug the ship of the divine purpose across the sea of time.

7) The insatiable archer (death) is not permitted to shoot his bolts at random—every arrow that flies bears this inscription, "I have a message from God for you!"

8) When you have looked at creation—remember providence, which is a prolongation (extension of the duration of something) of the creative act. The power which made all things, upholds them.

9) It is most important for us to learn that the smallest trifles (a thing of little value or importance) are as much arranged by the God of providence, as the most startling events. He who counts the stars, has also numbered the hairs of our heads!

10) He who believes in God must believe in His providential control of His creation. There is no standing point between this and atheism. There is no half way between an almighty God who works all things according to the good pleasure of His own will—and no God at all. A God who cannot do as He pleases—a God whose will is frustrated, is not a God, and cannot be a God; I could not believe in such a God as that.

11) God's providences are but the manifestations of His decrees. What God does in time, is only what He purposed in eternity.

We hated God without a cause, and He loved us without a cause.” Copied

Divine Providence

" In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will." Ephesians 1:11

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. Matthew 10:29

God's providence, as it is taught in Scripture, is opposed to fortune and chance. There is no such thing as fortune or chance--these are pagan terms, with which the minds of the godly ought not to be occupied.

All events are governed by God's secret plan! They babble and talk absurdly who, in the place of God's providence, substitute bare permission--as if God sat in a watchtower awaiting chance events, and His judgments thus depended upon human will.

It is certain that not one drop of rain falls without God's sure command. Nothing, including human suffering, happens by chance. God so regulates all things, that nothing happens but what He has knowingly and willingly decreed. Each year, month, and day is governed by a new, a special, providence of God!

No creature has a force more wondrous or glorious than that of the sun. The sun does not daily rise and set by blind instinct of nature--but God Himself, to renew our remembrance of His fatherly favors toward us, governs its course.

In times of adversity, believers comfort themselves with the solace that they suffer nothing except by God's ordaining and command, for they are under His all-controlling hand.

John Calvin

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