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Wayne Boyd | Almont, Michigan
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First Baptist Church
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July 26, 2020 bulletin
Posted by: First Baptist Church | more..
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Psalm 105:1 “O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.”
All the whole volume of perfections!
“Whom do I have in Heaven but You? And I desire nothing on earth but You. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart, my portion forever.” Psalm 73:25-26
The true Christian seeks God as his choicest and chief good. God is a perfect good, a solid good. That is a perfect good—to which nothing can be added; that is a solid good—from which nothing can be spared. Such a good God is, and therefore He is chiefly to be sought.
God is a pure and simple good; He is a light in whom there is no darkness, a good in whom there is no evil. The goodness of the creature is mixed, yes, that little goodness which is in the creature is mixed with much evil; but God is an unmixed good. He is good, He is pure good. He is all over good. He is nothing but good.
God is an all-sufficient good. Augustine said, “He has all—who has the Haver of all.”
God has in Himself . . .all power to defend you, all wisdom to direct you, all mercy to pardon you, all grace to enrich you, all righteousness to clothe you, all goodness to supply you, all happiness to crown you.
God is a satisfying good, a good that fills the heart and quiets the soul. In Him, I have all. I have all comforts, all delights, all contentments. As the worth and value of many pieces of silver is to be found in one piece of gold, so all the petty excellencies which are scattered abroad in the creatures—are to be found in God. Yes, all the whole volume of perfections, which is spread through heaven and earth—is epitomized in Him. No good below Him who is the greatest good, can satisfy the soul. A good wife, a good child, a good name, a good estate, a good friend—cannot satisfy the soul. These may please—but they cannot satisfy.
Ah! that we should seek early, seek earnestly, seek affectionately, seek diligently, seek primarily, and seek unweariedly—this God, who is the greatest good, the best good, the most desirable good, who is— a suitable good, a pure good, a satisfying good, a total good, and an eternal good.
“Whom do I have in Heaven but You? And I desire nothing on earth but You. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart, my portion forever.” Psalm 73:25-26 –Thomas Brooks
The Language of Life
“Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.” Ephesians 5:14
There is a wonder in the preaching of the Gospel. Those who have been appointed to the task of preaching know that they face an amazing dilemma. As far as they know, no one is able to hear what they say with the ears of faith. They wait on the Spirit of God as they preach to spiritually dead men and women, all the while, directing their hearers to do the impossible! This would seem a most daunting job, one fraught with assured disappointment and a sense of futility, were it not for the language of life that is built into the Gospel. For the preacher there is hope in the words employed by the Scripture. The language itself speaks to LIFE! Though no one is privy to the inward workings of the Holy Spirit, nor can anyone see a person being given life through the Word, the preacher is yet told to use language that only the spiritually living can hear. To the dead sinner the command is “Come to Christ”, “Believe on Christ”, “Call on the Name of the Lord”, “Repent” and “Turn”. These are admonitions to the living. The Gospel addresses living needs, such as hunger, thirst and relief from burdens. Such terms are exclusive to the realm of the living. The dead do not know nor can they experience such things. Sweet dilemma this …knowing that God alone gives life, the preacher is told to speak in a manner as if everyone to whom he speaks can hear. The preacher is thus, gloriously insulated from the burden of making folks hear, which to him, is an impossibility anyway. However, at the same time he is commanded to speak to his fellow sinners as if they can respond.
“Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.” Ephesians 5:14 --Tim James
Think on These Things
“The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall KEEP YOUR HEARTS AND MINDS through Christ Jesus.”
This peace of heart and mind arises from a correct understanding of God mercy in Christ, our sins are forgiven, all that takes place in our lives is for our eternal good, and we shall live and reign with Christ forever.
Do not allow the world to clutter your mind and heart (via newspapers, magazines, television, Internet) with its ways, thoughts, music, philosophy, and covetousness. A constant diet of and bombardment from these sources will trouble you and drive the peace and joy of grace from you.
But rather...Whatsoever things are TRUE to Christ and His word.
Whatsoever things are HONEST in the sight of God and men, honest in business and conduct.
Whatsoever things are JUST, giving to God His honor, and praise to man that which is his due.
Whatsoever things are PURE in word and deed, godly in thought and motive.
Whatsoever things are HOLY, agreeable to the character of God and His kingdom, which promotes holiness in character and conduct.
Whatsoever things are LOVELY, things which are kind, compassionate, generous and helpful to others.
Whatsoever things are of GOOD REPORT, things which we hear that contribute to a good name, a good reputation, a good opinion, and promote the glory of Jesus Christ.
THINK ON THESE THINGS! DISCUSS these things with others! Let your minds and hearts DWELL on these things; and doing so, that peace of Christ and rest in His grace and mercy will grow.
Thou will keep Him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on Thee; When the shadows come and darkness falls, HE GIVETH INWARD PEACE.
--Henry Mahan
Daily Readings July 26-August 1
26- Psalms 40-42 Acts 27:1-26
27- Psalms 43-45 Acts 27:27-44
28- Psalms 46-48 Acts 28
29- Psalms 49-50 Romans 1
30- Psalms 51-53 Romans 2
31- Psalms 54-56 Romans 3
1- Psalm 57-59; Romans 4

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