If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction. Psalm 119:92
Trials, tribulations and persecutions are part and parcel of the Christian life. We are lights in a fallen and corrupted world (Matt 5:14). Our suffering and afflictions in our situations and circumstances would be overwhelming and bring us to utter despair (would have perished) had not God’s law been our delight. God’s law does not oppose His grace. The law is misunderstood when we believe we might attain salvation by our own works in the law. That does confound grace. Yet, our salvation does come by the works of the law— Christ fulfilled them with His righteous life and His atoning death. This is one of the most important reasons to delight in the law of God. Although our every effort is filled with enough corruptions in our fallen humanity to soil and stain the best intentions behind our works, Jesus Christ fulfilled every jot and tittle (KJV), every iota and dot (ESV), of God’s law perfectly in thought, word and deed (Matt 5:17-18). This means that if you trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation, because of His righteous life, atoning sacrifice, victorious resurrection, exalted ascension, and His promise to come again, you can have complete assurance of salvation. Why? Jesus kept the whole law, not in part. We delight in God’s law because it is so detailed in expressing God’s holiness and the Son’s righteousness, that salvation can only be accessed and received through the Lord Jesus Christ alone. Salvation in, through and by Jesus Christ is thorough and everlasting because God’s “word is firmly fixed in the heavens” (Psa 119:89), and His “faithfulness endures to all generations” (Psa 119:90).
In Your law, Lord, I do delight, Else I’d be in despair; For all Christ’s deeds were pure and right, Fulfill’d with holy care.
Today's M'Cheyne Reading Schedule: 6/25 - Deut 30; Psa 119:72-96; Isa 57; Matt 5
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