“Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God though our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5.1
Treaty of Grace Faith has signed the “Treaty of Grace” which is a treaty of unconditional surrender. This treaty has been written in the blood of Christ, therefore, God, the King and Judge of all has granted a pardon - no more - the status of a righteous man to every believer. The war is over! There is peace. –Pastor Joe Terrell
What is a preacher? - A nobody, sent to tell everybody, about somebody who can save anybody. --Scott Richardson
3 Stages There are 3 stages of the human soul in connection with Christ: 1) The first is “without Christ.” This is the state of nature. 2) The next is: “in Christ.” This is the state of grace. 3) The third is “with Christ.” That is the state of glory. --C.H. Spurgeon
Believers have the answer “Believers have the answer”: this is what was brought to my mind this week as I witnessed a friend passing from this life into the next. Oh, we have been given the answer of all answers for any situation, any problem, and any need that life, trial, trouble, and even death presents to us: “Christ is all and in all.” Are we needing any healing, there is balm in Gilead; are we in need of food, drink or direction, Christ is our bread, water and way. He is our very present help in time of need, He is our life when all around us is unsure and certain death waits, and He is our peace in a world that is so far removed from peace or making peace! I wish to stay here, under His wings, in His powerful hands, next to His warm and tender voice. Lord I need Thee, every hour I need, I’m weak, unsure about many things and will fall away if left to myself. Keep me as You have promised, and bring me safely into Your presence, and may it be soon; but, not my will be done, Thy will be done. As it will most certainly be done, give me contentment and comfort to see your face in it all! –Pastor Drew Dietz
Engraved! “Behold! I have engraved you on the palms of My hands!” Isaiah 49:16 “Behold,” says the Immutable One, “I have engraved you on the palms of My hands!
Not on the mountains, as colossal as they are - for they shall depart;
on no page of nature's vast volume - for the last fires shall scorch them;
not on blazing sun - for he shall grow dim with age;
not on glorious heavens - for they shall be folded together as a scroll.
But on . . . the hands of might and love, the hands which made the worlds, the hands which were transfixed on Calvary - I have engraved you there!
No corroding power can efface the writing, or obliterate your name!
You are Mine now - and Mine forever!
“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of My hand!” John 10:28 --John MacDuff
There goes John Bradford!
When others sin, godly men see what they themselves were before conversion; or what they would have been-but for the restraints of God's grace.
Bradford, an eminent servant of Christ, seeing a criminal led to execution said, “There goes John Bradford-but for the grace of God!” --William S. Plummer
“For He shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper” (Psalm 72:12).