Brother, I think it best to write to you. Where is the joy, the peace, and the power in your writing? Like Isaac said, “Where is the lamb?”
I know the doctrine is there - the belief in calvinism, etc - but where is the spirit of Christ?
This is not easy to discern, but it must be experienced. We must talk of election, redemption, and forgiveness as those who’ve felt the Master’s touch… as those now IN His presence. We cannot speak of the mere duties - the outwards of religion - then tack on, “May God give us grace to do it,” at the end. Grace must be the thrust of our preaching and the force behind us; it must be so invigorating and before our eyes that it permeates the gospel message, not as a slogan, but as actual power that leaves us empty and vain without it.
I’d caution you to read Whitefield and Spurgeon, even Owen - a man of intellect but heart and passion. There are many others.
Let me explain my experience, and how I discern the difference between mere words and gospel doctrine.
Before I was born again, I preached election but didn’t know it was in Christ. I never experienced justification by faith, so forgiveness and the Son of God were hidden. My gospel, which was no gospel, was dead works and religious duties… learning but not basking in the Savior. If I did well, then I was happy. If not, I trusted my repentance - my ability (by God’s help, of course) not to do it again, and be really sincere. I prided myself (and that’s right, prided) on being the same in the closet, as I was in public. I wanted nothing to do with hypocrisy and confessed my sins. I didn’t know what sin was, however, until I heard that my best efforts were stained with sin and therefore UNACCEPTABLE [1 John 1:8]. It didn’t matter how much I knew or how well I explained Scripture; it wasn’t good enough and had to be abandoned. It could not be my hope before God.
Then, I learned the Surety fulfilled all conditions of the covenant, and I was elect, if I believed in Him. God made Him Lord and proved by His resurrection that He “obtained eternal redemption.” He did everything, and by faith, I knew I had it all.
When God saved me, I ran well for a season, then I lost my first love. I went on in human strength. He kept me, but the battle was uphill, until I resigned from ministry after pastoring 17 years. I preached Christ, but not with power as I do now. It was not in my heart. I’d have seasons and sermons, but by and large, it was head knowledge, accurate words, and fault finding of others; it didn’t have the vigor of joy, boldness, and humility; it was self-confidence rather than God-confidence. It was revealed from my head but not His Spirit! Therefore, I discern very carefully what I read, and I ask one question: “Is there life?”
You write as one who knows God afar off. I see no thrill in your message, and it will lead others into bondage. We must be liberated from religion that does not thrill us with Christ or leave us focused on Him. This is not easy to write, but if the arrow drives deep, and you call out to God, then He will give you the joy of your salvation, and you will communicate it [2 Chron 18:31]; it won’t be mere words, speech without power, and Christ afar off; it will be life, and the doctrine of Christ’s grace will overwhelm you and the reader: He will be seen, depended upon, and felt as our daily bread.
One man said, “The only thing the unsaved man cannot see is the glory.” He can systematize the gospel with a fine tooth comb, but he cannot see the beauty, the driving force, and the debt of gratitude. He is not motivated by the gospel, so he does not preach it; his “strength” comes from somewhere else!
Brother, I’m sure if you search for happiness as a helpless sinner who cannot rejoice or write in the Spirit, then you’ll find Him a God willing to give; it is not human; it comes from heaven, like the manna that fell, and we gather it daily. We cannot live off of old strength or yesterday’s experience, but each day, as a helpless soul, we look, and He feeds us.
Bless you. Please do not be offended. I’ve waited and read many of your articles, hoping for improvement, but I have not seen it. I’ve also been CUT TO THE HEART by men who saw things that I could not. One evangelist came to my church, spent a couple days, and he saw the hypocrisy. In a very gentle but public way, he told me to “take the mask off,” as he preached the gospel. The message came with great conviction, shame, and embarrassment, but God gave me repentance: He enabled me to see that He reproved me for my good. It took many years to learn what I’ve learned through much failure. I hope that you benefit.
Please give it thought. Meditate a couple of days before responding. I will help and hear you out.
Paul said, and I must echo his sentiments...
“Even if I caused you sorrow by my letter, I do not regret it. Although I did regret it, I now see that my letter caused you sorrow, but only for a short time. And now I rejoice, not because you were made sorrowful, but because your sorrow led you to repentance. For you felt the sorrow that God had intended, and so were not harmed in any way by us.” [2 Cor 7:8-9]
In His love…