First, some sad news. Laverne Armstrong passed away Sunday evening. Many of you know she went home and entered hospice versus continuing treatment. She was with her family.
Glen wanted the following information shared. There is no service, but there is viewing for the next two days from 9am to 5pm at Longview Memorial Park - Steele Chapel
Glen is having Laverne’s body flown to CA to be buried next to their son, Ricky.
Also, Kathleen Cunningham had been caring for her mother. Recently the elders were able to visit her mother, anoint her with oil, and pray over her. She passed away yesterday.
I was able to take Kathleen some flowers, a gift, and a card, and I’ll do the same for Glen today. We (the elders) are not aware of any needs the Armstrongs or Cunninghams have, but we let them know we’re available to help. Please be praying for them.
Tonight’s Webcast
For tonight’s family worship we’ll read the Parable of the Vineyard Workers in Matthew 20:1-16. My kids like to do plays associated with the passage, so they’ll do one tonight after we finish our study. We’ll see how it goes.
Outreach to Truckers
If you haven’t volunteered at the high school for the truckers, please consider doing so.You can take a shift with your spouse or by yourself (as I did), if it’s the evening (5PM-9PM). Let Pastor Nathan know if you’re interested.
Online Giving
There are three options for you to give to the church:
Mail a check to the church. 430 Buckeye Street, Woodland, WA 98674
Direct transfer from your Fibre Federal Credit Union account to the church's account. Contact Betty Pender (360-225-9646) for details.