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Richard Warmack | Ruston, Louisiana
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Grace Baptist Church
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4/12/20 Grace Baptist Worship Bulletin
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Call To Worship


How vast the benefits divine, which we in Christ possess!
We are redeemed from guilt and shame, and called to holiness.
But not for works which we have done, or shall hereafter do,
Hath God decreed on sinful men, salvation to bestow.

The glory Lord, from first to last, is due to Thee alone;
Aught to ourselves we dare not take, or rob Thee of Thy crown.
Our glorious Sure'ty undertook to satisfy for man,
And grace was given us in Him before the world began.

This is Thy will, that in Thy love we ever should abide;
That earth and hell should not prevail to turn Thy word aside.
Not one of all the chosen race but shall to heav'n attain,
Partake on earth the purposed grace and then with Jesus reign.

(Augustus Montague Toplady)
(Tune: "My Faith Has Found A Resting Place" pg. 228)


Remember In Prayer This Week:
Bea Reeg; Tracey Riedstra; Gina and Graham Dison; Kim Mullings;
Pam Austin; Sarah Caniano; Judy Ward; Leroy Moore; Stanley Dison;
Monica Aaron; Tye Wilson; Lael Pedersen; Devonne Lewis; Jackie Gaddis;
Dusty Adams;Ashton Ward; Rayna Kay Bartley; Diane Balsamo;
ALL THE BRETHREN effected by this virus


Happy Birthday This Week:
Judy Ward - April 14
Sandra Dyess - April 14
David Stepp - April 15


The Elect’s Propitiation” by Pastor Warmack

When most religious people speak about the death of Christ, their words reveal they have little or no respect for the holiness, justice, or the grace of God. They speak of Christ suffering, bleeding, and dying for ALL MEN AND WOMEN WITHOUT EXCEPTION, including those who at present are suffering eternal torment in hell. They would never admit it, but they accuse the true and living God of something our own legal system would never allow: DOUBLE JEOPARDY! Their doctrine (teaching) declares Christ suffered the penalty of sin for every man, i.e.,ETERNAL CONDEMNATION-“The wages of sin [are] death."(Rom.6:23a), and then God turns around and punishes some people for the EXACT SAME SINS Christ suffered for at Calvary. This kind of theology unwittingly charges God with injustice. Actually if this were true, God is found to be the cruelest of all because He would have NEEDLESSLY punished His Son who is “holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heaven’s” (Heb.7:26). When you point out this reasonable argument, they immediately say: “The difference between the sinner who is in hell and the one who goes to heaven is that one BELIEVES, and the other doesn’t BELIEVE.” Let the Apostle Paul answer this foolish statement-“Not by works of righteousness (INCLUDING OUR GOOD WORKS OR OUR FAITH) which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost.”(Tit.3:5) “I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness (THE HOLINESS OR SATISFACTION TO LAW AND JUSTICE REQUIRED TO ALLOW A SINNER TO CONTINUE IN GOD’S PRESENCE) come by the law (by any sinner’s obedience or faith), THEN CHRIST IS DEAD IN VAIN."(Gal.2:21)

Surely when we speak of the redemptive work of Christ at Calvary for those He represented, we venture onto holy ground and must with great care seek to honor every attribute of God’s redemptive character as both a “just God”, who will not overlook the least of sin in the best of men, and “a Savior”,who delights to show mercy and grace in a way that is consistent with His holy nature. The Apostle John wrote of Christ’s work at Calvary as a PROPITIATION -“And He is the PROPITIATION for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.”(I Jn.2:2) John didn’t write that Christ was trying to be the “propitiation” (satisfaction to both the penalty and precept of God’s holy law) for every man, woman and child. Rather, He clearly declared Christ “IS” the “propitiation for OUR SINS.” (Those He represented or THE ELECT). When we read of propitiation in the Scriptures, it always involves perfect satisfaction and reconciliation through an appropriate sacrifice. The Greek word for “propitiation” is used three times in the New Testament, and in every case it always declares Christ and His righteousness ALONE as the hope of our being propitiated (declared legally righteous and holy) to God -(Read Rom.3:25; I Jn.2:2;I Jn.4:10) Christ’s life, death, and resurrection weren’t an attempt by God to make men savable, if they fulfilled certain conditions, even INCLUDING FAITH. It was His actual accomplishment of the justification of EVERY ELECT SINNER who Christ represented by His obedience unto death at Calvary. May we always honor this glorious work of Redemption with our words and our works!


"If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?" (Ps.11:3)

The foundations of our trust are firm, and never can be moved. We have received a kingdom that cannot be shaken. What is the strong foundation of our trust? It is Christ. It is His glorious person, His deity and manhood indissolubly joined, His everlasting love, His finished work, His precious blood, His expiating death, His all-atoning cross, His resurrection-might, His rule at the right hand, His never-ceasing intercession, His well-ordered providence, His coming kingdom, His eternal reign. How blessed, how encouraging, are these truths! Not one can be opposed, not one can disappoint. We may rest all our weight on them. They cannot sink. If any flaw could be discerned, if any weak part showed insecurity, we might indeed despond. But building on this solid base, we may indeed reject all taunts. We have a strong city. God has appointed Salvation for walls and bulwarks.

Henry Law


Excerpt from "The Tree Of Life"

Remember the words of Jesus- "If I wash you not, you have no part with Me." No part with Christ in His obedience and sufferings, no part with Him in His great salvation, no part with Him in the glory into which He has entered, no part with Him when He shall come in all the majesty and triumph of His kingdom, unless we are washed in His blood "If I wash you not, you have no part with Me." My reader, are you washed in this blood? Have you bathed in this fountain? Has it cleansed you from all sin? Remember, it is the blood that gives you union with Christ, He cannot unite Himself with a soul which He has not first washed. He can have no union with uncleansed, unpardoned sin.
Washed in the fountain of His blood, you have a part with Christ in His sufferings now, and will have a part in the glory of His second Coming. Oh the purification this blood of Christ imparts, the peace it speaks, the confidence it inspires, the hope, the blessed, hope, it reveals to faith's eye! Who enlightened by the Spirit, with such a sovereign remedy for sin, with such an effectual balsam for the wounded conscience, with a truth so heaven-assuring, would toil and labor and strive to work a salvation of his own? Away with your own works, lay down your deadly doings, cast overboard your oars, wash and be cleansed, believe be saved!

Octavius Winslow

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