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Dr. Drake Torp-Pedersen | Terrell, Texas
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Resurrection Day - April 12, 2020 |
RESURRECTION DAY Morning Worship Service 10:45 AM April 12, 2020
Welcome and Announcements
Catechism Question #93
Special Music - "Were You There?"
Call to Worship - John 20:1-18
Hymn - Behold Our God
Pastoral Prayer
Special Music - "Hallelujah, What a Savior!"
Hymn - Doxology
Message - Amazed in Emmaus Luke 24:13-36
Hymn - See, What a Morning
Benediction Sunday Evening
The Return of the Messiah Acts 1:9-11 ____________ Outline Amazed in Emmaus Luke 24:13-36 April 12, 2020 1. Conversation talking between the disciples (24:13-24) 2. Conversation talking with the Lord (24:17-27) 3. Dining with the Lord (24:28-31) 4. Bringing good news to the others (24:32-36) |
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