To impose a fine on a righteous man is not good, nor to strike the noble for their uprightness. Proverbs 17:26
“Good Friday wasn’t good and it wasn’t Friday.” I’ve preached that statement for years. I’m not going to talk about why it wasn’t Friday. I wrote an essay on the Wednesday crucifixion some 20 years ago and published it with other essays in 2014, The Simple Gospel. Today we’ll focus on why the day of our Lord’s crucifixion wasn’t good. The KJV translates the verse from Hebrew in this way: “Also to punish the just is not good, nor to strike princes for equity.” Jesus Christ, the holy and just One was punished for sins He did not commit (2 Cor 5:21). Jesus is the Prince of Peace and He was smitten for His equity, His uprightness (Isa 53:4). Christ’s gospel is simple, but it is not simplistic; yet, in the corruptions of our mortal flesh which still remain, we oversimplify infinite and eternal truth, to our soul’s detriment and dishonor. “Wasn’t it good?” we say defensively. “His death and resurrection saved me, after all.” Think about how self-centered and idolatrous those words sound. Go ahead take a moment before reading on. Rather, when we see the cross of Christ, our hearts should be broken because our sins were so offensive to a good and holy God that it took nothing less than the infinitely eternal Treasure of heaven, God’s only Son, to suffer and die in our stead. Jesus was in the tomb for three days and nights (Matt 12:39-40), not only to show He was truly dead, and thus, truly flesh and bone Man, but that our souls must let the payment for sins sink in. Godly sorrow which produces repentance unto salvation not to be repented of (2 Cor 7:10) is not a flash in the pan, dear one. It is ongoing sanctification, purifying our mortal souls with the very fire of Christ’s presence; “for our God is a consuming fire” (Heb 12:29).
The precious Treasure of heaven Is Jesus Christ, our Lord: He suffer’d for my life’s leaven According to God’s Word.
Today's M'Cheyne Reading Schedule: 3/30 - Lev 1; John 20; Prov 17; Phil 4
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