In some ways, saying this about the Old Testament may seem to trivialize what is very much the inspired Word of God. If we were saying that the Old Testament is like the prologue to a book that is easily skipped without really missing the real story, we would indeed be guilty of such trivialization. The Old Testament is a great span of history from the very creation of the world to the post-exilic era of Israel as we anticipate the coming of the Messiah, Jesus. If you are like me and believe the reality of the historical account in the Old Testament, then you also believe we are looking at an era of time of roughly around 4000 years. That is a significant chunk of human history. As far as biblical history is concerned, the New Testament adds around 90 years (if John wrote the book of Revelation somewhere around 90 A.D.). In the span of biblical history, the Old Testament outnumbers the New in terms of the years of human history it records.
How then would we consider that the Old Testament is “just” and introduction? Well, it depends on what the Old Testament is introducing. One clue we get is given by Jesus when he addresses the crowds concerning John the Baptist. In Matthew 11:11 Jesus makes an astounding statement about John the Baptist. “Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there has arisen no one greater than John the Baptist. Yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.” On the one hand Jesus says that John is the greatest living human to that point of history, yet on the other, anyone living in the Kingdom of Christ is greater than John.
John represents the last of the Old Testament era (or the era of salvation history prior to the cross.). John lives like and is numbered among the old covenant prophets of God. He is looking forward to the Messiah and longing for the kingdom of God to break into this world. He is the greatest among men because as the old era progressed toward the actual appearance of Christ, John is the prophet who was actually able to stand right in front of him and even dunk him under the water in baptism. John didn’t just prophecy about Jesus, he had the unique privilege of all old era history of introducing Jesus the Messiah to the world. John however never got to see the ministry years of Jesus miracles or teaching, and he did not get to see the risen Savior after his redeeming work on the cross. John was the introduction to Jesus and as such he really was the culmination of all in the Old Testament that looks forward to the Messiah longing to introduce Jesus to the world.
As John represents the old era, it helps us to understand the way in which the Old Testament is an introduction to Jesus. As we see all the types and shadows in the Old Testament, we soon realize the each one in their own way is God’s masterpiece of literary genius as he designs all of the Old Testament history to point to Jesus. The Old Testament introduces Jesus. Let me give you a few examples.
Melchizedek is a king and priest who has no recorded beginning. – Jesus is a priest in the order of Melchizedek.
David is the King, sitting on the throne of an everlasting kingdom. – Jesus brings his kingdom into the world and establishes its rule for ever.
Israel is the son of God who are rescued from slavery in Egypt. – Jesus is the greater Son who increases the border of Israel to all tribes tongues and nations.
The temple is the house of worship in the midst of God’s people. – Jesus is the fulfillment of the temple indwelling all who believe in him.
The spotless lamb is brought to the altar for sacrificial atonement for the forgiveness of sins. – Jesus is our once and for all sacrificial atonement for the forgiveness of our sins.
The sabbath is the day of rest to be kept holy in the Lord. – Jesus is our sabbath rest forever more.
The promised land is the land of rest for the people of God coming out of exile. – Jesus is our rest and hope for an eternal rest in the new creation.
In these and so many other ways, the Old Testament introduces Jesus. The Old Testament is glorious in the way it helps us see God’s sovereign plan of using actual human history to point to his Son. God used 4000 years of human history to introduce Jesus. Now that Jesus has come and the work of the cross is finished, it is our job to introduce Jesus to everyone else we know.