Exnihilo, God Created “Before the world in order stood”,
When time was still and all was good.
No form but void was all around,
Above beneath the same was found.
Exnihilo, God created (out of nothing),
God moved above the dark expanse,
And brooded still ore waters cold,
Till all began to form and fold,
Below or above all was the same,
The firmament to separate would remain.
And this the day, the first it was,
In the beginning God, the first cause,
For He spoke and it stood fast,
The heavens and earth created at last.
Now land and sea, and birds in sky,
Animals and man standing by,
Placed in a garden to tend and dress,
For all was good and man was blessed,
Created to enjoy, and all was done,
Who rules and reigns and makes us one.
By D.L. Gilpatric